View Full Version : Feeling rough

04-02-07, 17:21
Hi all,

I haven't posted here in a while. I've had anxiety problems for about 18 months now, though they've been generally getting better.

I had a pretty stressful week at work, and had quite a few dizzy and shaky spells. Yesterday during the day I was spring cleaning at home, got quite worked up and by the end of the day felt all shakey inside (like a purring cat!). I went out for dinner with some friends and ended up getting quite drunk.

Today, I have backache in my lower back. I don't know if that's from lifting stuff yesterday, or if it's from the drinking? I've been worrying all day that it's my kidneys or something daft. I feel quite sick too, and my head feels all tense and fuzzy. My vision feels all jumpy too - like everything's vibrating when I look at things.

Does this stuff sound familiar to anyone? I can't tell how much of it's anxiety - I keep worrying that there's something really wrong with me :)


04-02-07, 17:47
Hi NIck, I had too much to drink Friday night and felt just like you do yesterday. I put it down to a hangover, drank loads of water and no alcohol and I feel fine today.


05-02-07, 07:33
Thanks Jo. I think it was a combination of being a bit worn out, having a hangover and then dwelling on it all day. Don't feel 100% this morning, but better than yesterday so far!