View Full Version : Venlafaxine 150mg and Mirtazapine 45mg!! Me again!!!😖

25-07-15, 13:26
Day 12 of the increase of Venlafaxine and day 2 of the mirt increase! Still feeling all nervous and jittery and over stimulated on the inside (if that makes sense) I'm also having hot flushes!! Should I really still be feeling like this it's been weeks now!! My anxiety is horrible 😫😫 do these meds agree with me?? I really just want to cry!!

25-07-15, 13:40
Hi hun, unfortunately these meds aren't a quick fix and you only increased your ven 12 days ago and your mirt 2 days ago so your bound to be experiencing side effects still, as you know I suffered dreadfully increasing my ven I had, increased anxiety, the visible shakes, sweating, nausea and the list goes on, you really need to give it a few weeks for you to stabilise, i know that's easy for me to say but I promise it gets better, I've a friend who recently started on another AD and the side effects absolutely floored her, she felt terrible but she stuck with it and gradually she's getting better, you have to remember these meds can take upto 8 weeks to kick in and the side effects are terrible but I found it so much worth it in the end XX

25-07-15, 13:57
I'm just scaring myself with this nervous feeling!! I'm scared that I have serotonin syndrome or something it's awful!! My stomach keeps doing flips! I just feel awful I haven't moved out the house for three days now or even got dressed for that matter! How long until it will settle down do you think? I just want to cry! I know I keep repeating myself but I just don't know what to do anymore!!

25-07-15, 17:43
I was exactly the same, i can't guarantee you haven't got serotonin syndrome but I very much doubt it, your physc wouldn't have prescribed you it if he thought that could happen and 150mg of ven isn't even a huge dose, i know people on 225mg. My side effects lasted about 3 weeks and then I slowly started to improve, in them 3 weeks I don't think I left the house, sometimes I didn't even make it out of bed I felt that bad, I honestly believe your suffering from the side effects and the majority of people I know who take ven or any other AD have all felt the same, i thought I was dying and phoned the crisis team, the out of hours doctor etc and they all assured me it was typical side effects plus my own anxiety....The reason I needed these meds in the first place! Just take 1 day at a time, are you taking your Diazepam to help? XX

25-07-15, 18:03
I think because I'm in such an anxious state I am worrying about everything did you find that too?! Yes I am taking diazapam when I need too! I don't like taking it all the time though with the baby plus I don't want to become dependant on it! I find that my stomach is weird too I have kind of cramping pains kind of like hunger pains and I also have hot flushes! Xxx

25-07-15, 18:30
Yes i panicked about everything, i honestly thought I was going mad, i was so scared cause of how I was feeling, I'd wake in the morning drenched in sweat and shaking like a leaf, some mornings I'd be retching as my anxiety was so bad :( I had pains all over, i raced to my Gp as I thought I was having a heart attack at one point as my chest was so tight and ached, obviously I wasn't but I was so convinced something was seriously wrong, my Gp assured me all of this was down to panic...After he had ran an ecg...and prescribed me 2mg of Diazepam 3 x a day until the ven kicked in, like you i didn't like taking it but I needed some respite from the sheer panic I was experiencing and it took the edge off. I promise it gets better, you just need to give yourself time XX

25-07-15, 18:40
I'm finding that I'm worrying about problems I shouldn't be worrying about because they needn't be worried about! Things from years ago! It's so annoying! Must be because the anxiety is playing tricks! Just finding things to be anxious about! I really hope it does get better! I pray every night that I wake up feeling a bit more ok! Thank you for replying to me I know I keep repeating myself over and over but I just see no end to this misery! And it scares me that these tabs aren't going to work then I'm gonna have to go through stress of finding something that does work! I just pray to god I will be ok xxxx

25-07-15, 19:04
Hi I'm also on day 12 of increase to 150mg venlafaxine and feel the same as you went to see GP yesterday who reassured me it is the side effects as will take 2-4 weeks to feel a difference. I have tingling in my arms flutters in stomach and chest, feel very on edge, head feels heavy and Woolley feel least thing will set off a panic attack and irrational thoughts. I'm getting through this as best as I can by keeping telling myself everyday I'm getting better and I won't feel like this forever it's just the side effects. I know it is very hard but you will soon see a little benefit then each day will get easier and you will then start to feel more positive xxx:hugs: