View Full Version : How do I get this thought out of my head!

25-07-15, 16:45
Hey everyone,

I can't shake off this brain anyerusm fear :( every time I get a headache I think this is it, I'm about to drop down dead. I know it's irrational and it's my anxiety but I can't drop this thought. Anyone have any advise or tips?
I stupidly googled it earlier this year and even though I know it's so rare like 1 in 12,000 people a year and that I'm not at high risk as I'm only young.
But I just keep hearing these stories of people dropping down dead (a lot of them young and healthy) and I can't shake this one!
Any tips or ways to help would be great appreciated.

Thank you for your continued support

Emma x

25-07-15, 16:49
I hate getting fears stuck in my head. For me, the following helps:

1. NO GOOGLING ... so hard, I know, but don't.
2. Work through the ways the thought is irrational each time it comes into your head. Counter it with the true evidence. If you had an aneurism, you'd be dead already. Headaches come and go, aneurisms don't. Actively change those obsessive thoughts into positive thoughts. It's hard to do, but eventually it works.
3. Distract yourself if you can't use thought-blocking.
4. Remind yourself that this fear will pass. I find this helps me. Every obsession or fear I have had for a health problem has passed with time. Sometimes it lingers for a couple weeks, sometimes it doesn't even last that long. Nothing is permanent, including your fears!

Hope that helps a little.

25-07-15, 20:10
You can't get it out of your head, and the more you try the thought will get stronger and influence your life more. You need to start learning to live with that fear and eventually it will diminish. As for thoughts, notice them, but don't argue with them you are just giving them power by doing so.

26-07-15, 15:28
if you did in fact had a brain aneurysm you wouldnt be here posting this thread and you def wouldnt have the ability to use proper grammar lol
brain aneurysm's are no joke you would def feel something if it did happen a simple headache compared to a brain aneurysm would be like a walk in the park
stop googling, relax and take a pain killer if needed
headaches are very common with anxiety and stress which i see is whats happening
the constant worry and stress you can def "burn out" your brain by worrying and stressing that it can manifest itself into something that isnt there

again if you did have a brain aneurysm you wouldnt be on here
you are gonna be just fine

31-07-15, 17:57
Googling symptoms is always a no go!!!!
Try to distance yourself away from med sites.
Concentrate on facts and logic and never trust your instincts when your in an anxiety run