View Full Version : Didn't realize the fear of brain tumors is so common!

25-07-15, 17:24
I do have a history with health anxiety and anxiety in general. I was on these boards last December freaking out because I just felt anxious all the time and wasn't sleeping well. After a bout of tachycardia (this is a known thing I've had for 20 years) the emergency doc found that I had low potassium. After getting a potassium IV, I went home and made it a point to eat more bananas, drink coconut water, etc. Not sure if these are what has worked but it seems like I've had better energy and less anxiety since then.

However, during the winter/spring I've had bouts of eye sparkles, like you'd get if you suddenly don't get enough oxygen to your brain like bending over or holding breath hard. I thought it was odd that these were coming more frequently but still just figured it was just normal, like bending over you see sparkles. I'd google, even though I've been told by docs to stop googling because it makes me anxious, and everything I found would just be like these things aren't serious. Ok, so I never went to the doc. The night before my 35th birthday, I got what I figured was an ocular migraine (have had a few of these since my 20s). I suddenly saw a bunch of sparkles, then a red sparkle, and then a dark area in the upper part of my eye. I sat in a dark room, hoping a headache wouldn't manifest, and one never did. The blind spot remained the next day and I had an ophthalmologist check to see if my retina had torn. He looked at my eye 3 different days and said there is no torn retina. Then he said come back just if I start getting bad headaches or something.

Well now I'm at the point where I'm panicking about every twinge in my head. I sometimes get these little pains around my eye, sometimes across my temple, and sometimes even near the back of my head. I've convinced myself it is a brain tumor and that if I go to the doc I will find out it is bad and I won't be able to handle it mentally. Its almost like I can't bring myself to get the news because I'm afraid I will find out I'm dying. I've been googling and reading about progression into seizures (haven't had anything like that) and just becoming more and more depressed every day. I have had sinus issues in the past and minor operations in my nose so part of me wonders if maybe there's just something more minor going on with my sinusus, but my brain jumps to worst case scenario. The headaches I get are not long lasting, maybe like 30 seconds or less, then they let up, and just kind of come and go multiple times per day.

Oh, and to fuel my anxiety, my husband's mom almost died of an aneurysm a long time ago, and his ex wifes mom did die from one. So that's another thing I'm over here panicking about . :weep: