View Full Version : Has anyone ever had meningitis?

26-07-15, 00:41
Especially from house mice?
I stupidly washed off and carried on cooking (microwaving and frying) a potato that fell on the floor yesterday (I never do this... Like ever yet I did yesterday in a moment of tired apathy) and today I saw a mouse... In the same kitchen!!!

I'm terrified now. The mouse could have urinated etc in the exact spot I dropped the food and stupidly ate.
I could get meningitis if the mouse was infected and it will take 2-3 weeks to show and I don't know what to do.
I also walked bare foot in that kitchen and have had a shower but I'm really terrified now.

Has anyone had meningitis before and what should I look out for?

Gary A
26-07-15, 00:55
You won't get meningitis from this, it just won't happen. You're really stretching in order to worry yourself here.

26-07-15, 07:47
Agree with Gary A, meningitis wouldn't even cross my mind in this situation.

26-07-15, 09:43
Its not common but its how a virus the mice commonly carry presents in humans, so there's still a chance.
I'm just wondering if there was anything I can do, go to the doctors in the next few weeks to check (like a blood test or something) so they can be prepared as I have only heard horror stories about meningitis but I guess people have survived it, so I was wondering what to look out for.
I'm taking omneprazole which reduces stomach acid which technically makes it more likely for the virus to enter my bloodstream too?

26-07-15, 09:54
I don't know if this will help but it's statistically impossible based on that scenario.

Positive thoughts

Gary A
26-07-15, 09:54
Look, you're no more likely to get meningitis from this than you are of anything else. This is just silly.

If anyone tells you what to look out for you're just going to spend the next few days obsessing over the symptoms, and HA being what it is, you'll probably give yourself the symptoms with the way you're thinking.

Seriously, stop worrying about this, you will NOT get meningitis from this.

26-07-15, 11:25
isnt it crazy how our mind makes things with panic and worry, nearly all the time our storys are absolutely CRAZY, and silly, But we are actually genuinely panicked by it, i laugh sometimes at the worrys people have as you know they are just MENTAL, but when its us its the most scariest thing in the world, I think there must some balance we need to sort these thoughts

26-07-15, 11:34
You could also get bubonic plague but you won't. Seriously, you have to stop catastrophising on this one. If you deliberately choose to research this issue you will scare yourself rigid and you will have done it to yourself.
You have to try to calm down. I know it's really hard but you have to stop yourself now.

26-07-15, 19:42
I completely agree with all of you. I want to slap myself over the face and say stop wasting your time on this. Its possible but very unlikely and regardless of it happens or not me worrying wont change anything.
But there's a clawing fear that overcomes you and its hard to think about anything else. If its not a fear from something like this then its going into anaphalxis from tingling lips or having cancer etc.
I can stop posting if this is frustrating you, I really am sorry. It just helps to write it out when I'm panicking (basically 24/7) knowing I wont disturb too many people, so I'm sorry if I am.