View Full Version : Does anybody's head throb?? I don't think this is anxiety :(

26-07-15, 02:18
Hi all, I've been having head pressure for quite a while. It seems to wax and wane from one day to the next. At first I thought it was sinus related but according to this doctor I saw I don't appear to have sinusitis.

I have pressure behind the eyes and when it gets bad enough it causes dizziness which isn't severe but still alarming. I also have full ears and a throbbing head that seems to throb the most when I am lying down (seems like blood pooling in my head bothers whatever it is I have)

I don't know if this is part of having heart palpitations. I never had head throbbing with palpitations before so I doubt it's that simple.

I'm scared this could be a clot or aneurysm. I do have an appointment two days from now, only it's with an orthopedic surgeon. I wonder if he'd be able help with this.

I have spinal issues but this really seems to be vascular because of how it's heartbeat related :(

26-07-15, 15:10
it can def be anxiety palps, headaches and the list goes on and on
i would never get headaches until recently i went a little nuts also fearing the worst
but it is good practice to get checked and if everything comes back normal then you are fine
but in the end try and reduce your anxiety levels see if they go away
i started getting into yoga and meditation and has helped tremendously

30-07-15, 01:48
Hi Kiiing, thanks for the advice :)

I visited an orthopedist the other day and he told me the strong palps could be related to my cervical spine. I find that very strange and have been resisting believing it, even though I would like to LOL

I just never heard of anybody getting strong throbbing in the neck and head and it being a spinal issue. I feel like he probably didn't understand what my symptoms were, but don't we all do that after the doctor reassures us? :shrug:

The thing is (and this would probably make anyone on this forum freak out if it happened to them) I asked one of those online docs about my head and neck palps, this was back a few months ago, and he told me it was almost definitely my carotid!

So yeah, that was pretty wild so it's been difficult to get the thought out of my head that it's really my carotid. I would like to have an ultrasound just for peace of mind but so far no offline doctor has agreed to order one :/