View Full Version : Sharp chest pain only lasting a few seconds

26-07-15, 12:14
Anyone else ever get a sharp pain in their chest that only lasts a few seconds? I just got it. It was under my breasts, both sides, like where the front of my bra would rest if that makes sense? Only lasted about 2 seconds but was sharp enough to make me sit bolt up right and take the wind from me. Chest feels absolutely fine now but it scared me. I've had it a few times in the past and its terrified me then too. I think maybe its my posture that causes it as I sit very hunched and tense.

26-07-15, 15:16
Anyone else ever get a sharp pain in their chest that only lasts a few seconds? I just got it. It was under my breasts, both sides, like where the front of my bra would rest if that makes sense? Only lasted about 2 seconds but was sharp enough to make me sit bolt up right and take the wind from me. Chest feels absolutely fine now but it scared me. I've had it a few times in the past and its terrified me then too. I think maybe its my posture that causes it as I sit very hunched and tense.

i used to get pains even ended up in the ER blood work x rays and nothing was wrong
random shooting pains can def be anxiety truly believe once you get anxiety physical symptoms its real easy for those issues to escalate and for you to think something is wrong and most often then not its prob nothing

but its good to get checked out to put your mind to ease

26-07-15, 21:55
I had them tonight in left side of chest. I then rotated my arm and stretched my chest and they stopped. I have had this on and off for many years and its due to the muscles between the ribs with me.

You can also get sharp stabbing pains in your chest from your stomach as in indigestion, often you then give a big burp and the pains go away.

Obviously if it continues then def mention it to your Dr as that would be sensible but its almost always eithr musculo/skeletal in origin or indigestion.

It certainly freaks me out even now when I get it and I know what it is!

27-07-15, 10:52
Hi, I can get sharp stabbing pains in my chest and I put it down to wind. I usually stretch and it goes. I've always got it for as long back as I can remember.

28-07-15, 13:18
Thanks for your replies everyone. I have had anxiety and panics for years but never really worried about chest pain and my heart because I knew the tension I put on my muscles and that would cause pain but recently I have developed a fear that I have a heart problem of some sort and the slightest feeling or palpitation I get in my chest, sets me off in a panic!

28-07-15, 15:32
I get sharp chest pain sometimes but usally on the right side! I usually get it when I feel really overwhelmed with work (academics) or stressed out with just life in general. Everything seems a lot worse when you're sleep deprived as well!

28-07-15, 15:40
Definitely agree everything feels worse when you are sleep deprived. Most of my worst physical and mental feelings from anxiety occur after getting little to no sleep.