View Full Version : Hi - I'm new and kinda scared!!

04-02-07, 19:45
Hiya everyone!

I'm sorry in advance but i think that this will be quite a long post!

I have suffered from emetaphobia since I was around 9 years old ~(I'm now 25!) and at the moment I am actually pertrified as my boyfriend and his family have all come down with a sickness bug. His mother had it first, then his brother and he started with it about an hour after I left his house a few nights ago and since then I have been in a permanent state of panic that I am going to get it!! How long normally would it take for me to develop it if I was going to get it?

My emataphobia has got slightly better over the last few years as I am training to be a midwife and come accross a lot of people vomiting and I have reasoned with myself that I can cope with that as it is something that isn't going to make me sick - however, I think I am actually worse than before when it comes to stomach bugs!

Unortunately, I am not feeling too well anyway at the moment as I am full of a cold and together with the feelings of panic that I am going to develop this bug I keep have these really strong feelings of nausea which makes me panic even more! I haven't seen my boyfriend since Thursday night (when he got sick just after I left!) because I don't want to expose myself to the bug again - even though he is feeling a lot better now and stopped being sick on Friday! - (it's now Sunday!)

I know that what I feel is completely irrational but I just can't help it - I have tried talking to people about it and although they are generally sympathetic, they just do not understand that overwhelming urge of panic that I get! Today is the first day that I have eaten more than just a sandwhich or a piece of toast (just incase I did get the bug I didn't want to eat - how silly is that!!!) and I am not sure if my stomach is now hurting because of that and if I am feeling nauseous because I am hungry but I am now refusing to eat again just incase I am sick!

Please, please - if someone can help will you reply to me as I really am desperate! I hate to feel like this, I can't rationalise it even to myself and I feel completely stupid but I just can't help it! Does anybody have any good ideas that stop you feeling sick (other than taking the anti-emetics that I have been talking for the last 3 days!!!)

Sorry again for the long post and thank you in advance for and advice you give to me.

Dawn x

04-02-07, 19:47
Hi Dawn

And a BIG warm welcome to you, lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice while making new friends on the way.:D


"If you have a worry turn it into a problem, you cant solve worrys but you can solve problems"

04-02-07, 19:53
hi dawn

welcome to the site, there lovely people in here some who will understand what your going through,
take care

denise :D:D

04-02-07, 19:53
Hi Dawn,

A big warm welcome to you.

"When There Was Only One It Was Then That I Carried You."

04-02-07, 20:00
You're very welcome Dawn. everyone is very friendly on this site.


05-02-07, 14:24

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac xx

'Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain'

05-02-07, 15:28
elo Dawn,

Welcome on board hun.. no need ta b scared..great advice and support here.. you''ll make some good friends too that understand..tc x

Take care,
Lin xxx
"Fear is dat lil darkroom, wer negatives r developed", so positive thoughts okies!!!!!