View Full Version : Out of Control whole body twitching...

26-07-15, 22:30
I've been having this issue for about a year now, but it had gotten much better for a few months until 6 weeks or so ago it started to pick up again. Now I'm having whole body twitching, at times two or more body parts at a time!

I just can't help but become anxious, especially when I also have head pressure of as of yet unknown aetiology :lac: LOL

I'm noticing hyperventilation, and I can't help but think it's all part of some serious condition.

I guess it's a good thing I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow. Hopefully he'll be able to help some even though this is not his specialty :doh:

27-07-15, 21:38
I'm dealing with the same thing right now. I even saw my Dr. on Friday about it. She told me stress and anxiety can cause muscles to twitch. I joined a group on facebook (are you on facebook) that talks about this very thing. Excellent group https://www.facebook.com/groups/854180221302634/

30-07-15, 01:36
Hi Leslie! Thanks so much for the link :) Yeah it seems anxiety can do these stuff. It's mind blowing. I started having them last year and basically had about a thousand all of a sudden. They wouldn't even stop at night. Then they started going away and now they're back again.

When it first happened I was extremely concerned about ALS but the doctor said my overall symptoms weren't consistent with it so that was a relief. I'm a little scared that this is happening due to spinal stenosis though, because I was just diagnosed with scoliosis and been having some neuropathy symptoms. I suppose that's still less serious than having MND so I should count my blessings.

27-08-15, 07:41
Hi. May I join this discussion? ;) I am almost 42 and I have OCD (diagnosed in 1993 but I guess I have it all my life when I look back). Which is very bothersome when having symptoms. In short (I try). A week ago I had a twitching eyelid and went to the doctor on friday. He gave me Befact forte, vitamin b complex for the twitching eye. The first day I felt a little twitching in my cheek and lip. On day two and three I felt twitching in my arms, hands and calves. On day four and five I felt twitching, cramping, trembling and jidderness, even burning feelings sometimes, all over my body. It is driving me insane. It all started in my eye; still have it but a little less. I googled around like crazy (OCD is the culprit) and I found something about BFS. Of course I am hypochondriac and I begin to worry that I have some other neurological disease. I have bloodtests every three months because of other healthissues. I hope it will subside... I've been through a lot in my life. And I wish it could finaly calm down... Thanks for listening. And yes, the twitching I feel is real. Sometimes my fingers start to move voluntary. I hope it will subside. Thank you!