View Full Version : Can anyone tell me why....

27-07-15, 12:57
When I eat I get severe shut down result in nerve pain and Cushing/suffocating/breathing problems but also stomach pains and breathing pains and it feels like I'm being crushed. I get leg nerve pain too and nerve pains in my head - deep breath kind of relieves the feelings for that slight second but it dosnt go away. These are episodes I have after food usually bread, rice, pasta so white carbs. My body feels a mess. Sometimes the pain Starts slightly before I eat. If my wife's cooking tea the preparation of thinking of eating a meal can put burning in my stomach and my nerves hurt resulting in not being able to eat meals proper as I'm In pain and shaking and struggle breathing ect.

I've often put my illness down to "energy" in my body either too much or not enough as if my body just can't cope.

These episodes can get strong to the point it feels likes my nerves are being deep fried and I'm being sat on by a elephant I can't breath I've cried in public with it. They last about 5 mins to sometimes 30 mins but when there wearing off I feel my body coming out of it it calming and I yawn like I'm waking up or coming alive.
This has been happening along time to me.

27-07-15, 14:28
Hi Ollie!

It sounds awful what you're going through. However it probably is just a weird symptom of your anxiety. Maybe once you had an episode of panic after eating and maybe just since then you subconsciously associate eating with panic attacks/anxiety? It's weird how the mind works.

It could be a food allergy too! A friend of mines once got one of those allergy tests done in a natural remedy store, and it determined she was sensitive to milk, potatoes, and black tea (her 3 favourite foods LOL). I'm not sure how accurate they are, but it may be worth a go.

Have you tried cutting out the white carbs to see if it improves? Maybe it's gluten intolerance, which isn't serious at all :)

Hope you feel better soon

- Therese x

27-07-15, 16:49

Possibly could be all related to anxiety It's just really painful and strange.

The nervous system is a complex thing. I can remember though being about 95% one day as I'm constantly stuck in bad looking for good moments instead of it being the other way round and this one mid morning I just had a cup of orange juice the first couple of sips triggered this off too I started going dizzy felt stomach pain and my cognition stated to feel like it was fading then I get all sorts of head pains it's strange. I know it's possible to have hypoglycemic moments when the body release insulin when foods digested although not fully sure how this works. The shutting down bit also relates hypoglycemia or die ethic but I've been tested for this I just feel something isn't right somewhere along this line. Just can't understand though why I would experience such pains and feelings and breathing problems. It literally feels like someone's sat on my chest or bear hugging me - somatic symtoms maybe. Just sat here now a few hours after it I can still feel the pain in my stomach feels like razor blades only a deep breath reliefs it.

Not that I've ever had a stroke diagnosed but that's how it feels I can't move my legs or arms or cognitive function just goes to the point I only know what's happening to me I can't talk or think to things to say like my thoughts and awareness are separate - it's mad because I've woke up through the nightikr this straight out of sleep - usually when I've been thinking in my sleep all night like I'm awake in my sleep. I've had dreams before I've woke up the latest one was I was boxing training trying to punch the pads but couldn't every time I swung and tried to punch my hardest in my dream i was weak and kept falling over in my dream like I was drunk and had no power I just couldn't punch hard then it got to the point I hit the floor in my dream I was so fatigued and that's exactly at that point in the night I woke up - weak, felt like I had had a stroke I couldn't talk or wake up my wife and I was struggling to breath I just sat up and sat there completely not with it. I don't know if these are my bodies way of giving me signs something isn't right or I'm just ill because this has happened a few times to me twice I've had to ring paramedics middle of the night as I couldn't stand up or feel my legs.

Waiting for my dr to call anyways - this happens every time I eat pretty much so I want my stomach checking out, my dad had stomach ulcers and my mum has a hernia. Being in pain after or getting ready to eat isn't normal. The other things are just crazy.