View Full Version : Concerned by muscle weakness - possible ALS/MND

27-07-15, 15:44
Hi, I'm a 17 year old male with recent symptoms that are really frightening me.

About one month ago, I suffered a severe headache which effectively immobilised me. It started with a strange jolt at the back of my skull and the top of my spine, and then left me unable to work. I also suffered strange weakness in my arms which I hadn't had before. It also gave me severe constipation, which as of writing is still not clearing up despite being prescribed lactulose.

In the two weeks after the headache left, I felt physically fine. I got back to normal, having a glasses test, and even producing a record and going on holiday. I was still constipated, but it wasn't causing me any pain.

However, in the past week and a half, I feel I have worsened significantly. In a month I've lost a significant amount of weight, causing some of my bones to become prominent and my face to look very guant and unpleasant. In addition, I have begun to feel weakness in several of my limbs. It was mostly in my left side, with my fingers feeling loose or like I was not really controlling them, and my leg feeling a bit weak, as if it will buckle under my weight. This has been followed by cramps, such as in my abdomen or my thighs, and the discovery my fingers feel strained when I stretch them out as normal. My temporalis in my head has also been affected, as has my swallowing, which is particular cause for concern as it now seems very shallow. Although I doubt it is related, my ears have also been crackling as of late when I swallow, while opening my jaw seems much more tiring than previously and causes cracking, which prevents it from opening properly. Numbness also persists in my teeth and my neck is very stiff, so much so that I can barely move it. Despite this, I feel no pain. Dizziness is also a common feeling.

I feel no pain from this weakness aside from the cramps, but I also get twitches and tingling down my arm and leg. This is what has me suspecting the onset of ALS / MND. I am aware I'm a bit young to be coming down with one of those conditions, but I am unable to find any explanation for the muscle weakness, which makes typing difficult and is affecting my balance. Sometimes it's like when I'm sitting down my leg will sway, or I have to 'wake it up'. Even standing still can make it go weak. The same is with my arm. I have the suspicion my weight loss is owing to my muscles wasting, which seems particularly apparent in my hands and my calves.

My constipation is still bothering me. I don't feel bloated or full, just like I should be going when I'm not. When I eat I also suffer severe stomach pains afterwards, which in the ALS scenario I was placing down to the idea it is affecting my stomach muscles. The possibility of this is unsurprisingly quite nerve-wracking.

I've never experienced hypochondria on this scale before, yet people are simply refusing to listen to me. My parents, one of whom has his own health problems, are convinced I am making the symptoms up, as I have been to four doctors. The problem is, the first two doctors were for my headache, the third was for my constipation, and the fourth never checked me over, merely sending me to mental health support. The idea my muscles are wasting away and not working anymore, and the thought of dying so young in such a sinister way, is completely crushing for me. Are there any things around aside from ALS which can cause these symptoms, or is it just a matter of diagnosis?

Edit: should probably mention I had a clear blood test. However, I'm aware that means little as to muscular damage.

27-07-15, 16:19
Hi Matto

Anxiety can do really weird things to your body, you're only 17 and I very much doubt that it is something sinister.

You mentioned crackling in your ears and difficulty opening your jaw. Have you looked at the possibility of TMJ? This is what I have. It's usually caused by stress (you might be clenching your jaw, or grinding your teeth in your sleep). Basically, it will make your jaw ache, but can also cause pain in other parts of your body - particularly around the back of your skull, the side of your head, your face, neck, shoulder etc. It DOES cause headaches - sometimes it'll just feel like nerve pain, other times it may feel like a tension headache. This could explain the pain in your temporalis :)

When it first started happening to me I was really scared, but the symptoms started shortly after my first panic attack when I was 17 - I'm 22 now, so I've been dealing with it for about 5 years.

If you go to the dentist, they may be able to give you a bite guard to wear at night which basically prevents your from clenching your jaw and grinding your teeth while you sleep. I clench my jaw during the day and sometimes I'll be sat like that for half an hour before I realise I'm doing it!

As for the limb weakness - I have found that when my TMJ is particularly bad, my right arm will feel quite weak, even as far down as my wrist! TMJ is NOT serious, but it can cause some pretty annoying symptoms.

You're probably just really really tense with worry, and that can sometimes cause weakness. I have found that since I started taking antidepressants for my anxiety, a lot of my weakness issues and physical anxiety symptoms have been greatly reduced.

As for the constipation - it's not unknown for stress and anxiety to cause this as well. It may be IBS or a gluten intolerance! Which may also explain the weightloss - again, these are not serious conditions and can be managed pretty easily.

I have had ALS/MS/brain related anxieties in the past, and it is so scary. As hard as it may be, resist the urge to visit Dr Google. He will do you no favours, the worry will escalate and your anxiety symptoms will become more pronounced! :unsure:

I hope you feel better soon love, I know exactly what you're going through!

- Therese x

27-07-15, 17:09
Thank you for the reply stk149.

"Anxiety can do really weird things to your body, you're only 17 and I very much doubt that it is something sinister."

"You mentioned crackling in your ears and difficulty opening your jaw. Have you looked at the possibility of TMJ? This is what I have."

This was initially what I believed was causing my problems, as did the doctor. I've just been extremely distressed by the same feelings going to my legs and arms.

"As for the limb weakness - I have found that when my TMJ is particularly bad, my right arm will feel quite weak, even as far down as my wrist! TMJ is NOT serious, but it can cause some pretty annoying symptoms."
This was another thing I considered, as well as a trapped nerve. However, I've not been having any pain in my back so I ruled that out, and when my legs started going funny I gave up and found out about ALS.

"You're probably just really really tense with worry, and that can sometimes cause weakness. I have found that since I started taking antidepressants for my anxiety, a lot of my weakness issues and physical anxiety symptoms have been greatly reduced."
Maybe these would help. I'm too young for antidepressants so they're sending me to a psychiatrist. I'm just confused why though: I haven't been stressed out about anything, so my weight loss and now muscle weirdness is very frightening.

"As for the constipation - it's not unknown for stress and anxiety to cause this as well. It may be IBS or a gluten intolerance! Which may also explain the weightloss - again, these are not serious conditions and can be managed pretty easily."

I'm hoping it's just some IBS. My prescribed Laclutose has had some success, but I'm still not releasing much waste and I'm also getting very bad stomach cramps from it as I mentioned.

"I have had ALS/MS/brain related anxieties in the past, and it is so scary. As hard as it may be, resist the urge to visit Dr Google. He will do you no favours, the worry will escalate and your anxiety symptoms will become more pronounced! :unsure:"
I have had a lot of my family tell me not to look at Google for my symptoms, but I guess it's a trust issue. A lot of the sites that I've been going to are from the NHS or the ALS Association, so I feel they know best, and they're only suggesting the symptoms I'm experiencing.

I go back the doctors on Tuesday for a check up. I'll see if I can request anything like an X-Ray or an EMG to put my mind at rest.

06-08-15, 17:46
Hi Matto!

It probably is just weird anxiety symptoms. Did you go to the doctor?