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28-07-15, 04:04
Anyone else have the same problem? Last week was IBS aches and pains on lower left side. Worked real hard on diet and exercise and was laying in bed a few nights ago feeling wonderfully symptom free (was so excited about that it took me 2 hours to get to sleep). Woke up with a vague, annoying headache that won't quit and gets worse the more I think about it.

Anyone else move from one vague symptom to the other?

28-07-15, 06:22
I definitely do. Right now I'm dealing with tummy troubles, before that was a leg muscle tear I swore was dvt, then there was chest pains and before that we're back to my stomach. So much fun isn't it. Wouldn't I would give for a little holiday from my body.

28-07-15, 06:48
constantly, first was bone issues did some scans, fine then lung issues did a scan fine abdominal then scan and fine now i am at leukaemia scares from the scans... My blood has shown no blast cells and just low platelets prolly from medicine. Here I am personally just hoping I drove the symptoms on also... Great living in Canada, can get free everything.... Just health care I always fear is not the best but prolly is

28-07-15, 08:52
Absolutely, not just symptoms with me either I jump from one illness to another in the space of hours, it's really common with HA.

It's because we are hyper aware of every little ache or twinge and we focus on them. Couple that with the fact that we tend to know a lot more about diseases and the symptoms of them than most people and it's easy to see why we constantly think we are sick x

Hope your headache feels better soon x

28-07-15, 15:35
Totally the story of my HA -

Remember thinking I had a retinal tear from eye flashes, then a brain tumor because the eye tests came back negative.

After I thouhght I had pancreatitis due to epigastric pain which came back negative - then had a gastroscopy because I thought it was stomach cancer!

Now, I'm battling hpv + MS!

28-07-15, 15:39
Yip I feel as though there's always at least one symptom that gets me worrying. One day it could be heart related then the next bowel related and then the next it could be dizziness. Forget what its like to not worry about my health in some way.

28-07-15, 21:46
Definitely! This month it seems to be brain tumour/ neurological disorders I'm worrying about. Last month it was heart attack.
If the symptoms were caused by something more serious would we have them all the time rather than getting different ones?

28-07-15, 22:54
Thanks for all the replies so far. I guess the thing that concerns me is that I haven't felt 'anxious' for the last couple of weeks, ie. Trapped in a serious cycle of worry, really frightened or scared. If anything the last two weeks have been the best since this whole sorry mess started about 10 months ago. Though if I am honest I do think I am hypersensitive, in that bodily sensations are magnified.

Does anyone else get vague symptoms when they aren't particularly anxious or deeply worried?

30-07-15, 06:43

30-07-15, 07:42
Yes even myself yesterday worked myself up and over intensified things felt like was having a break down I took a Valium to calm myself down its horrible , it's horrible that you overly aware of every twinge every ache it's horrible then our mind get that's twinge and goes off on one at 100mph and then we get the heart pounding sick feeling of doom lol

30-07-15, 08:55
Yes but what I don't understand is random symptoms when I don't feel keyed up. I accept that anxiety can manifest in physical symptoms, but what is the deal with random, not terribly scary symptoms when feeling otherwise fine.

30-07-15, 12:58
Yes but what I don't understand is random symptoms when I don't feel keyed up. I accept that anxiety can manifest in physical symptoms, but what is the deal with random, not terribly scary symptoms when feeling otherwise fine.

Anxiety is like a campfire. When you're really anxious, the fire is raging. Every little thing throws more wood on the fire. When you don't feel "keyed up" there may not be raging flames, but the coals are still really hot. And like a campfire, the coals stay really hot for a long time. All it takes is a piece of wood (a symptom, an event etc.) and the fire is raging again. It takes the anxious physiology a long time to cool down.

That's what's happening IMO.

Positive thoughts

30-07-15, 18:39
Does anyone else get vague symptoms when they aren't particularly anxious or deeply worried?

Most definitely, and then I DO start feeling anxious and deeply worried.

Anxiety, you are a total doll :wacko: