View Full Version : its all back !!

28-07-15, 12:17
Hi guys..i recently had my daughter for 8 days and iv got to say,those days were fantastic.my depression and anxiety all went .she went home sunday and my mood continued to be good after she had gone..monday was a good day,then today its all back again,anxiety low mood and negetive thinking,what the hell goes on in my head.nothing triggered it or set it off..feel flat today.

28-07-15, 13:50
Oh Greg,

Really sorry to hear that. It could be a bit of "post daughter/holiday blues" that will pass given a bit of time. You sounded like you were really, really busy during her stay and you may be a bit tired which won't help the anxiety at all.
I do wonder that "we" anxiety/depressive types have post good time blues and it floors us.

Hope you pick up soon...I am sure you will.


28-07-15, 22:58
Thanks sarah.im sure your right..feeling the blues..picked up a bit in the afternoon..so on the way up

28-07-15, 23:35
Hang onto the memories of the great week you had and keep thinking positive. It's probably a bit of an anti climax now your daughter has gone and I expect you are missing her. Catch up on your rest and give yourself a treat too.

29-07-15, 07:19
It might just be because you had something positive to focus on Greg. Then after that new stuff leaves your environment you return back to your default, which lately for you, has probably been feeling anxious.

That's why it's great you get to see her more often now ! :)

29-07-15, 07:34

Please don't take this the wrong way but I feel you are too dependent on support from others on here.It is obviously very good but in your own words you need to refocus and get some kind of job so that your mind isn't focusing all the time with negative thoughts. Even just go out for a walk and cut don your time on here gradually.try it and tell us if you feel any changes.

29-07-15, 09:53
We all get down days Greg and I hope that you pick up again soon. Draw on good memories when you feel down and don't dwell on the negatives. Look forward to your daughters next visit. Always here if you need someone to chat to. :)

29-07-15, 14:22
Hi Greg,

Hope you are feeling better today and the blues and anxiety are lifting a little. I know you are a little isolated so support on here is important to you.

As Fishmanpa would say..."positive thoughts"


29-07-15, 15:00
your bound to feel low after having such a great time with your daughter,think of the happy time youve spent with her and how good it will be again in a few weeks time :)

30-07-15, 00:06
I always have a rebound "low" after good periods. After my vacation, I was pretty anxious and down. I think it's common really and you will bounce back. You have to think of how far you have come in the past few years. I remember reading posts from you a long while ago when you were in a shelter and unable to see your daughter. Now you've got your own place and get to spend time with her! You should be proud of yourself!

30-07-15, 08:09
If I remember right your daughter wasn't that keen to get in touch with you and now she can't wait to see you again and on a regular basis! Can you hang on to that thought?

30-07-15, 09:37
Thanks guys im sure you are all right....i have got good memories of that week and am looking forward to seeing her in a couple of weeks.shes coming and spending the night,well 4 days but one day falls on my birthday.be the first time iv seen her on my birthday in a few years,so looking forward to that.....i do feel better knowing im seeing her more often..i will try and be positive about that....i do like posting in NMP because i such good suport..if i had friends or a close family,id be able to talk to them ,but we are not close...

30-07-15, 09:43

Please don't take this the wrong way but I feel you are too dependent on support from others on here.It is obviously very good but in your own words you need to refocus and get some kind of job so that your mind isn't focusing all the time with negative thoughts. Even just go out for a walk and cut don your time on here gradually.try it and tell us if you feel any changes.

I reread this post and I think it might have come over as being a tad harsh, but looking through your history I can see you are very much alone and NMP is a sort of crutch for you.
I only mentioned getting some work as it was brought up last week and though I don't know your financial situation, any job even a few hours a week on a part time basis will give you more confidence and get you out and about and possibly talk to people.
Give it some thought,Gregg.

30-07-15, 10:16
Doesn't have to be work, you can volunteer. Charity shops are always crying out for volunteers.

30-07-15, 10:51
Well good news as im.now working three days a week in a charity shop...wed thur fri..10 till 5pm.im working on the till..so hopefully this will help my moods and get me out of my flat

---------- Post added at 10:51 ---------- Previous post was at 10:48 ----------

Yes Pulisa you are right.i remember those days to..all changed now as you say,she cant wait to stay over and i look forward to seeing her so much..also since she has been staying over,iv had far more phone contact from her,text messages and calls,so her staying over has had an effect on her need to stay in contact..happy days

30-07-15, 12:27
Hey Greg, that's awesome! Good work! Volunteering is a great way to get involved, meet people, and stay busy.

30-07-15, 19:57
Am really pleased for you, Greg. You'll have a structure to your day and will be a valued member of staff at the charity shop-they are always so busy these days!

30-07-15, 20:25
Thanks pulisa.yep looking forward to getting out and busy three days a week..thanks

31-07-15, 11:29
well done greg thats great news,things are really looking up for you

blue moon
02-08-15, 00:32
Hi Greg

How are feeling,?just want to send you some hugs my friend

Petra xx:hugs:

02-08-15, 01:02
Hows the shop going, Greg?