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View Full Version : Thinking to think....

28-07-15, 15:01
This has not happened in a long time or at least I've not noticed - why am I having to think to think about stuff ild normally just naturally think about and process and feel - why is my brain like this? I have to tell myself to think about people or ideas otherwise I my brain won't just naturally process things or ideas....if it does without me consciously knowing I am it's like it's not happening I zone out.....am I losing my mind someone please help me how to get out of this cycle - I've not felt this bad for along long time! Started taking progabalin again last night to try to help with nerve pains so far it's it's put pain in my head one side and made me sick.

I thought I was making progress now I feel back at the start. Struggling to deal with this

28-07-15, 16:55
Are you feeling especially anxious or stressed at the moment? If your mind is mainly working away on one thing, sometimes you do have to consciously make it think of others.

28-07-15, 20:08
Yer I have 2 big worrys in my life at the moment, I've always felt this way though the last 2 years, It goes by itself I open up but it can come back without any reason I know of. I'm stuck like this really. Possibly something to do with my body being trapped in a high anxious psychological state. My body is hyper aroused so I can relax deeply and get in to a state of feeling ok but the slightest thing triggers my nervous system to go in to over drive creating terrible cognition problems and disconnected feelings. It's pretty horrible! I just have to deal with it the best i can which is usually struggling to breath nerve pain cognition problems leading to crying out of frustration. I don't want to be like this - it's not me that's not well
It's my brain and nervous system I just have to deal with it. Is how I look at it. Not getting no help my dr isn't able to do anything I'm honestly lost.