View Full Version : Hello, I'm new and struggling but trying hard :)

28-07-15, 20:29
Hi everybdy,

I thought I'd introduce myself before demanding support (lol). I'm dani I'm a teacher from manchester and I've suffered from an anxiety disorder most of my life. I have OCD, panic disorder, chronic anxiety and depression. I had a full on break down about four years ago and it took a couple of years to recover. For the last three weeks (of the summer holidays!) I've gone wrong again and have become completely crippled by panic and anxiety, i can't sleep or eat and I'm really having a hard time. I have the support of a wonderful man but I can see that it is getting on top of him so I really need to access some support else where to give him a break from me. I am also here to chat with anyone else who needs support. Hope everyone is having a positive day.
Thanks for reading,

28-07-15, 20:35
Hiya Danron and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

28-07-15, 20:44
Thank you very much, it seams like a really supportive forum, have a lovely evening. :)

28-07-15, 23:27
Hiya & welcome :)

What happened four years ago for you to have a breakdown, anything in particular? I feel for you; I volunteer in a school & the teachers work so hard. What year do you teach? (20 questions lol) x

29-07-15, 00:56

Any idea what triggered your anxiety this time?

You must have done really well to recover from a breakdown and return to teaching. This is a blip - you give no reason to suppose you will breakdown again. Congratulate yourself on what you achieved and know that you can do it again. :hugs:

29-07-15, 12:21
Thanks everybody, It was the summer holidays that triggered my last breakdown. I developed OCD and didn't understand what was going on. I'd been living with panic attacks and anxiety for a long time and I got sick on holiday, had a panic attack and it just wouldn't stop. I managed to go back to work at the end of the holidays and it was a horrendous year but the distraction did help. At the moment i'm just waking up with full panic attacks and then they're carrying on all day in waves. The idea of facing the day full of anxiety and panic makes me have a day full of anxiety and panic (blooming paradoxical anxiety!) My other problem is that I keep being sick and I think I'm throwing up my meds which is not helping.
Hope your all feeling ok

---------- Post added at 12:21 ---------- Previous post was at 12:20 ----------

oh and sorry pepperpot, I teach sixthform, A'level art and media

29-07-15, 12:28
Hi Danron

It sounds absolutely awful and each day must seem like a week. Are you on any medication as you say you have been plagued with anxiety disorder for most of your life?

Kudos to you for even being able to work.How best do you think that members on here can help ?

29-07-15, 12:38
I am on citalopram (have been for years), and the doc has given me propranolol to try, but I'm being sick so often I don't think they're getting into my system. I did have a number of years of CBT as well which really helped. Just before summer I had three tooth absescess in a row and was on antibiotics for about four months so I'm wondering if that could have contributed to this triggering? As far as you lovely people on here, I just need some people to chat to who understand :)

29-07-15, 13:53
Hi Danron, you have been kind enough to support me on my thread so I will support you. I have had and do still occasionally have the exact feelings you do. When I am in full blown panic I wake up and within minutes I feel sick and want to retch. I work in a school office and I don't think the school holidays have helped me as I feel lacking in any routine and a bit lost if I am honest even though I should be enjoying the time off.

This is a great forum and everyone is very supportive so I hope you find the help you need. x

29-07-15, 14:12
Thanks Purplepie :) We're not cut out for holidays are we! :D Holiday therapy should be a mandatory part of working in education! x

29-07-15, 14:31
Hi Dania,

Welcome to NMP. It does sound like a bit of Post Viral Fatigue creeping in. That's what triggered my last set back in 2013. (ended up in hospital).

Have you tried Pregabalin? It can be taken alongside Citalopram and is specifically for anxiety. It maybe something you could look into and discuss with your GP.

It sounds like you are exhausted and that also can be a trigger.

We will all try and help if we can:D


29-07-15, 15:51
Thanks Sarah, I was just literally reading up on Pregabalin after reading another post. I really do think illness is a trigger for me, the first time this happened I had been poisoned by a sea urchin and had heat stroke! It's funny when we're in the height of anxiety we don't make those connections.

Thanks for your helpful reply x

29-07-15, 15:54
Definitely should! I am not great in work, but seem even worse when faced with empty time but on the other hand when I feel anxious I feel powerless to want to do anything but freak out....

29-07-15, 15:57
I know that feeling, I can never decide what is worse, freaking out it's self or trying not to!

29-07-15, 16:59
Yep guys that's called "anticipatory anxiety.... or asI call it "Fear of the Fear". You both may want to look at some Mindfulness techniques to stop the "shitFM" and help you physically relax. I am sure stressful jobs like yours can mean when you stop and have a break the adrenaline still keeps whizzing around in your body but you are not physically doing anything to get rid of it. Too much adrenaline equals anxiety.

Does this make sense or sound familiar?


29-07-15, 17:12
It really does, I've been taking long walks with he fella each day and that has definitely been helping, just burning off some of the nervous energy can help. :)

29-07-15, 17:14
Will have a look at that Sarah H

29-07-15, 19:19
So, are you being sick with anxiety, or being sick due to a virus? Now, I am no expert, but if it is anxiety, then can you not ask the doc to prescribe you an anti-sickness drug? I did. I got some metoclopramide, then some buccastem (I am sure these spellings are wrong lol). You need to be able to keep your tablets down. The 2nd ones you put in between ya gum n top lip so you dont have to swallow em.

29-07-15, 19:49
I'm been sick with anxiety, it always happens with panic attacks for me. I will defo look into some anti sickness meds. My stomach muscles are so sore :ohmy:

Also I have to say thank you to everyone who has replied to me on here, I've been a member for one day and I could cry with all the help and support I've recieved, it's got me through the day today, thank you all so much. x:hugs:

29-07-15, 22:05
Yeah look into anti-sickness meds - Ive just had a look at mine for the correct names lol. Metoclopramide was the first ones I asked the doc for - he wasnt very happy about giving me them but he did anyway. You have to swallow them. Prochlorperazine was the ones the emergency doctor gave me - they are the ones you put inbetween ya lip and gum. Then, I got Cyclizine from A&E - the doc said they were fab but my sickness stopped so I never took them.

I retch a lot - but rarely vomit. I tend to be the other end lol. It's awful isnt it. I really do feel for you.

30-07-15, 19:17
It's both ends for me :blush: The annoying thing is I'm going camping tomorrow and I really want to go because I think being out in the fresh air with friends will really help, but I'm dreading how I'm gonna cope.

30-07-15, 20:43
Hi Dani
How nice of you to introduce yourself before demanding support LOL!!
I think the antibiotics could definitely be the trigger, they eliminate all the good bacteria in your stomach and this affects your inmune system leaving you feeling more susceptible to everything. There are various things you can do to restore gut health (as this is now scientifically proven to be connected to brain health).
Do you mind me asking which antibiotics you took?

30-07-15, 21:06

I had three courses of amoxycillin and then two courses of metronidazole for re-occuring dental infections. I read an article in focus magazine that suggested a similar link. It's easy to forget how connected your mind and body are. :)

30-07-15, 21:27
I think the fresh air will do you wonders and you will probably be fine. I was at the beach today and the fresh air did me the world of good :)

30-07-15, 21:37
Ok Dani
If you can take a good probiotic and follow a good healthy diet that will help with your gut, that will help the mental aspect. You can look for a reliable source of information on the net about restoring gut health, it makes such a difference xx

30-07-15, 21:38
Thanks pepperpot. I've just made my self a plan for the morning so that when my anxiety is at it's worse I don't have to think about getting ready :blush: Just feeling a bit blue today. Thanks for your reply xx

30-07-15, 21:54
Thanks pepperpot. I've just made my self a plan for the morning so that when my anxiety is at it's worse I don't have to think about getting ready :blush: Just feeling a bit blue today. Thanks for your reply xx

Good lass - get that plan sorted so you can relax. Honestly, the fresh air will be ace for you. I felt great today (until I got back in the car hahahaha) xx

30-07-15, 22:01
Thank you :hugs::hugs: xxx

31-07-15, 00:40
Hi Danron...

I have had similar problems although mine started quite recently, having never had an issue before in my life. So I can sympathise with how awful you must feel and if you ever want some mutual support advice then please PM me...

For me I think my problems were definitely triggered by very serious stress and I've found that managing the stress (mindfulness etc...) has been really helpful (although having said that I am downing 100mg sertraline every day too)

31-07-15, 09:56
Good luck for your trip today Dani - I'm sure you won't need it and you'll have a fab time :) xx

31-07-15, 10:36
Hi Danron sorry you are having such a hard time, iv had a similar thing happen to me recently with the constant panic. Feel free to PM me if you'd like a chat.

31-07-15, 12:58
Thanks pepperpot, I started the day with a million panic attacks (might be exagerating a little there!) thinking that I wouldn't be able to go but I've managed to pack all my stuff, sort out my pets and I'm waiting to go now.
@helloworld thank you for your support, thats really nice, and likewise feel free to PM me.


---------- Post added at 12:58 ---------- Previous post was at 12:57 ----------

Oh and thank you Bekw89, that's really nice xx