View Full Version : pain every day.... Help

29-07-15, 10:32
Over a week a go I had a nasty virus felt awful, flu like. and anxiety went through the roof.
One morning I woke and the whole of both legs were agony and seized up could hardly bend them, this sent me into more panic... Saw 2 Drs and called ambulance.they done ecg etc all fine, said it was panic attack and anxiety ... Had about 5 PA in total over the course of feeling fluey. I was in constant fear I was in danger.

Anyway Dr gave me Valium for few days to calm me as I was getting in such a state, I was an emotional wreck thinking everything was wrong with me.

The virus has gone now but everyday I wake up in pain... My legs and right arm, both wrists thumbs and jaw... They hurt and tender. I'm scared, why do I feel like this. I don't want to rely on pain Tablets every day. I've lost 9 lbs in a week as I'm very over weight and want to make a change to my life so started slimming world
I just don't know why I ache so much especially when waking up.

Any advice appreciated

29-07-15, 12:11
Where you given antibiotics for the virus?

29-07-15, 17:41
No antibiotics.... Why

---------- Post added at 17:41 ---------- Previous post was at 13:44 ----------


29-07-15, 19:14
I'm sorry you feel like this. Have you just started to ache after the virus?

29-07-15, 19:30
Just checking as a certain kind of antibiotics can have bad side-effects

29-07-15, 21:16
My leg pains happened during the flu virus.... I don't have the flu anymore but my righ arm aches and is sore and thighs and jaw x

29-07-15, 21:20
this will be an after effect from the virus. Anxiety will be causing you to think otherwise.

29-07-15, 21:33
Can it really be an after effect? I was guessing it was fibromyalgia x

---------- Post added at 21:33 ---------- Previous post was at 21:28 ----------

It may have been a really bad cold, maybe flu was a bit too much to call it. Xxx

29-07-15, 22:13
I tell you how I characterise flu - if there was a £50 note (or $100 bill) on the floor would you pick it up? No?? You have flu. :)

Yeah if you have had a virus, then you may not be fully over it. It can take weeks for your body to get back to normal. Fibromyalgia will make you extremely sensitive too. I assume you have googled your symptoms and Dr Google has diagnosed you? He is the worst! :)

29-07-15, 23:08
Yes pepper pot Dr Google has made my life a misery. Xx

I didn't know viruses could have an effect even when main symptoms have subsided x

29-07-15, 23:22
Yeah you may not even have recovered fully from it. Just try and get plenty of rest and eat healthy - slimming world is a great diet as you can eat allsorts of food that's good for you - I lost quite a bit on it then put it all back on due to stopping smoking grrrrr. x