View Full Version : Benzo for flying

29-07-15, 12:38
Hey all,

I posted a thread recently asking for advice for diazepam for flying. Doctor gave me 6x 2mg. He said 2 for the way there and 2 for the way back (although he also said I will probably only need one). He also allowed me two to test out. Tried 1 2mg & felt very calm and relaxed. A little tired but usually the thought of flying gives me anxiety but it didn't allow the anxiety through so I am a lot more confident about the flight which is on Tuesday. I will keep you all informed.

Tash x

29-07-15, 19:51
I have them for flying and they really help, good luck :)

29-07-15, 22:18
I'm sure they will help. My daughter uses them for flying. Have a good flight!

29-07-15, 22:54
They will definitely help. Please let us know how you get on. X