View Full Version : Anybody have a 'safe time'

29-07-15, 13:23
This might sound odd but does anybody have a time when they feel safer or more relaxed? My panic attacks and anxiety are triggered by my own thoughts rather than a place or situation. The morning and day are horendous but around 7pm I take a shower and it feels like a 'safer time'. I can relax a little and I spend my whole day waiting for that point. Anyone have anything similar?

29-07-15, 14:50
My safe time varies. I go through periods were my safe time is during the day and then I panic like hell at night and then vice versa during another period. I'm at the stage where my anxiety is bearable both during the day and at night but I dread night time in case I take a bad panic attack and there is no one awake to help me. When I go to bed, I listen to my fave comedy show through the headphones on my phone and that always helps me relax and drift off so I would say that is my ultimate safe time and place though I get anxious leading up to it.

29-07-15, 15:43
For some reason it's always been the evening for me, I think it's probably that the expectations of the day are done or something, who knows! I always used to watch cartoons on my laptop to send me to sleep, I used to be a big reader but I can't concentrate enough now. x

29-07-15, 19:31
I feel more anxious leading up to bedtime. I like the middle of the day.

29-07-15, 19:39
It's weird isn't it, lot's of people seam to struggle with the night, I suppose people are busiest in the day and more distracted.

29-07-15, 22:20
I'm best after 7pm. It's like the world outside calms down and I do too.

30-07-15, 01:22
It's 7pm for me too ��

30-07-15, 01:24
Breakfast time for me because I have my cereal and coffee ... always is a calm way to start my day.

30-07-15, 10:35
I'm usually better in the morning and at night. But it does sometimes change. At the moment I seem to be going through a phase and I get a bad hour everyday aroun 7-8 ish in the evening and after that I feel more relaxed. Strange!!!

30-07-15, 10:49
Mornings used to be bad for me but now it's actually evenings. Weird how the mind works really.

I feel fine in the afternoon, most of the time. When I used to get it bad in the mornings, I would be instantly anxious for no apparent reason. :wacko:

30-07-15, 19:13
That's the same for me Zim, I wake up in the middle of a panic attack and then spend the day riding waves of anxiety. :huh: