View Full Version : Anxiety is through the roof again

29-07-15, 16:20
I've been doing well lately, and was really starting to feel stable. I even flew to America by myself with almost no anxiety. But then, on Saturday, I was out on a boat trip with friends and I did a cliff dive from 25-30 feet up into the water. I hit the water at just a slight angle, but enough that I felt the impact on my back and immediately my chest was hurting. The pain got worse and it still hasn't gone after 4 days. My healthy anxiety and depersonalisation are through the roof and I'm having a lot of panic attacks. Last night I went out with friends and had 4 pints and today I feel even worse (I know that's my own fault). I feel completely out of control, physical symptoms are going crazy, constant racing thoughts from the minute I wake up. I don't know what to do. I'm lying here with a pounding heart unable to sleep and wanting to cry.

29-07-15, 16:29
I've been doing well lately, and was really starting to feel stable. I even flew to America by myself with almost no anxiety. But then, on Saturday, I was out on a boat trip with friends and I did a cliff dive from 25-30 feet up into the water. I hit the water at just a slight angle, but enough that I felt the impact on my back and immediately my chest was hurting. The pain got worse and it still hasn't gone after 4 days. My healthy anxiety and depersonalisation are through the roof and I'm having a lot of panic attacks. Last night I went out with friends and had 4 pints and today I feel even worse (I know that's my own fault). I feel completely out of control, physical symptoms are going crazy, constant racing thoughts from the minute I wake up. I don't know what to do. I'm lying here with a pounding heart unable to sleep and wanting to cry.

To be honest I am not sure what to say. The things I have highlighted tell me that you are a bit of a dare devil and flying all the way to America for someone with anxiety is more than admirable.

To be in the state you are in now is a drastic difference to a few days ago, as if you were two different people.

What has triggered this state of being completely out of control, in your thoughts.

29-07-15, 20:15
Just to say that I also think it's hugely admirable that you are doing so much with your anxiety - diving off a cliff? I wouldn't be able to dive off board without feeling anxious :)

Sorry to hear you are feeling so bad the last few days though, that must be really unsettling. I know it sounds a bit lame, but have you tried some mindfulness techniques? My husband made me watch a video on Youtube with breathing techniques/ 'meditation' and I was really suprised how much much it calmed me down was I was very shaky.

I hope you're feeling a lot better soon.

29-07-15, 23:22
I've done that. I've jumped head first off a big boat in Turkey into the sea and it's no joke. The waters hard when you hit it.

I think you've just bruised your torso a bit. A jump like that's not going to reach anything internal. Maybe some anxiety chest tightening in there too which will pass when you relax.

Hangovers are awful aren't they. It'll pass too. Just give it all some time and you'll be looking back on it all.

All credit to you for being out there living though :shades:

I'd hydrate, take on some healthy nutritious calories, 5 min burst of exercise to clean out blood stream, listen to a podcast or some comedy and think what a superstar you are jumping 25ft into the sea.

30-07-15, 00:24
Thank you all. You've made me feel a lot better. I really should focus on the positives more. I have tried my best to never let anxiety and panic attacks stop me from living my life, even though it has taken away a lot of my happiness and enjoyment. I think I'm just feeling very upset that after a good stretch of feeling well, it all came crashing down. I'm going to take it easy and count this as a little blip.

30-07-15, 07:23
Thank you all. You've made me feel a lot better. I really should focus on the positives more. I have tried my best to never let anxiety and panic attacks stop me from living my life, even though it has taken away a lot of my happiness and enjoyment. I think I'm just feeling very upset that after a good stretch of feeling well, it all came crashing down. I'm going to take it easy and count this as a little blip.

That's a very sensible approach. I am certain as you say it was just a blip and you will come through this.