View Full Version : Sorry guys gross mucus question!

29-07-15, 16:46
So as some of you know I've had a horrible virus for the last couple of weeks. I am feeling a lot better in myself but I still have a loose cough and several times a day I'm coughing phlegm sometimes clear sometimes greenish.

The thing is it doesn't feel like it's on my chest and I'm sure it's coming from my nose as in the morning I obviously cough up more and I can feel it running down my throat but it seems to be my right side only that's affected.

I seem to have sinus issues on this side that's the side that always gets blocked when my hayfever is bad etc and I did have an ENT scope a few months back and he just provided otrivine.

My mum thinks I should go back to the doctor as she thinks I have a sinus infection but I'm reluctant as I'd rather my body take care of it than have to have antibiotics. I'm also doing Saline rinses 2-3 times a day to keep my sinuses clear.

My question is, is it normal to have PND on one side and does this sound like par for the course following a viral infection.

I'm not in any pain in my sinuses, no swelling etc so I'm thinking it's just that whereas initially everything was completely dry it's just all the rubbish now draining out and it will probably just get less and less over the course of time.

Just wondered if any sinus sufferers could give some feedback from what I've read antibiotics are a bit hit and miss anyway with infections.


29-07-15, 16:54
you wont have a sinus infection maybe nasal drip, i suggest u buy a electronic humidifer and keep it next to your bed it will help alot if u had a sinus infection u feel like a great pressure in ur cheek bone its horrible was so painful when i had one lol,

29-07-15, 22:33
My GP's have always told me that if a cold turns to the chest if any mucus had yellow or greenish colouring that it is a possible sign of infection and to see them. This was because I have asthma and when I was younger I had a lot of these problems and needed antibiotics and sometimes steroid treatments. It was a bit of a stage for me.

So, perhaps your infection has eased bit not completely gone? This could mean that it will show signs of getting worse again. A GP check would be a good idea or you could see if it goes or starts to worsen again.

Don't worry about that though because sometimes you just need a second course of antibiotics.

30-07-15, 08:35
I think I'm going to give it a few more days it seems like the mucus is definitely in my throat and not on my chest. I don't have any pain/fever etc and I'd rather try and let my body deal with it if I can.

I did one of those assessments on line regarding a cough/phlegm and it said my problem is non urgent and to give it a few more days.

Coughs are just so annoying and I feel its getting better, it just doesn't help when every 5 minutes my husband says "your cough isn't any better then"

I do keep politely reminding him that his constant referencing to it is not helping my anxiety!!

30-07-15, 09:24
If you are persistently coughing up green or yellowish mucus in all probability you may have a slight infection.

GP's are a little more reluctant to keep giving anti biotics than they used to, but I would go back to your doctor to see the best way to deal with this.
Sinus infections can be pretty painful and then add hay fever to the equation it might just have to take it's course until it's out of your system.It may just be a virus as the weather has been very changeable this Summer.