View Full Version : Swallowing/throat question

29-07-15, 17:43
Ok.. so i have become hyper aware of my body and feelings and you name it. Needless to say, I need to stay away from Dr. Google and i have been doing really well. I am under an excessive amount of stress here lately with no end in sight.

For some reason, i was sitting here and all of a sudden i became aware that i can hear myself swallow. take a drink of water and i really ear it. use a straw still there. is this freaking normal?

29-07-15, 17:54
yes it is comletely normal. everything is really close to each other in your head

29-07-15, 17:54
yes i was the same a few years back when i had throat troubles worrys anxiety, basically you become so focused on the throat part of the body that u notice every click every sound every swallow and it becomes a horrible habbit u need to stop thinkin of ur throat or thinkin theres anything up and it will stop stay of google as its evil and thats what i partly put down to my anxiety in the first place being worried about different health things and havin too much information , your fine when u start to focus on ur throat play with ru fingers or pinch ur arm anything to take ur mind of things

29-07-15, 18:08
Thank you.. and youre right google is the worst. that escalated my anxiety to the extreme. i get a sore throat, id google and boom im dying. i now know after research though, my chronic sore throats are from my reflux, which i have a prescription medication for. I was doing the over the counter pills and couldnt afford them for a month, therefore had no medicine and let me tell you, the throat sensitivity started all over again. went to doc who gave me a prescription for it and said the sore throat i had then was a virus. i also have two small children who swap germs and illnesses back and forth so im in the middle. i also suffer from allergies, but one bodily problem and i panic to extreme. its terrible.