View Full Version : Panic attacks with muscle weakness, fatigue

29-07-15, 18:02
Hello everyone. I'm frightened and such a mess. I think I've been having pretty constant panic attacks for about 10 days now, but I can't shake the fear that something worse is wrong. I mean, what if they're NOT panic attacks? My heart races and I find it very hard to breathe (I guess I focus on breathing and that makes it manual and then it just spirals out of control.) but after the attacks -- basically constantly, my legs and arms ache painfully and feel so incredibly heavy and weak. I feel like I've been hit by a truck. But for days...and I'm so fatigued and tired that everything is tough. I'm recovering from a nightmare called Guillain Barre Syndrome (at least that's what they think it was) and can finally walk again after several months wheelchair bound. But what if this is related to that? What if it's not panic? It scares me so much that I just want to crawl into bed and hide, but I have 5 kids and trying to act normally is so hard. Any thoughts? I just want to be well again.

29-07-15, 19:27
awww I am so sorry you feel this way. Have you tried talking to your doctor about this? My guess is it IS anxiety - I am in the same boat as you - I have been told it is panic attacks but I am not entirely sure either. However, I know that they drain you of all energy. I get pins and needles in both arms and legs and my head feels heavy. The more you concentrate on not being able to breathe, the worse the feeling will be - I find having a bottle of water by me at all times helpful - I think to myself if I can sip water then I CAN breathe. If you want to chat, then I'm here :)

29-07-15, 19:44
Aw hon that's awful, you should be really proud of your self for being able to carry on whilst going through all that. I totally agree with the above get a docs appointment, you shouldn't have to deal with this alone. Panic attacks are horrible. Sending Hugs

29-07-15, 21:20
Your post panic attacks sound like mine.... I'm in pain in arm, legs and jaw.... Wrists hands