View Full Version : is it okay to mix propranolol and alcohol?

29-07-15, 23:22
Is it okay to mix propranolol and alcohol? I hardly ever drink alcohol and I'm a lightweight but today my aunt made a dessert and she didn't mention it had quite a lot of sherry/rum in it. I had taken my propranolol immediately prior and am scared they could interact.

I keep seeing conflicting information. Some people are saying they drink regularly with propranolol and are fine, others are saying it's bad for you. I called the pharmacy and they said it's okay in moderation, but not to drink and take the med together. Which I accidentally did. Now I'm really anxious :shrug:

29-07-15, 23:28
When they say don't drink and take it, they mean have a bottle of wine. The sherry in the dessert will be fine. I know you say she put a lot in, but tbh, there won't be that much in, plus you only had portion of it. Your anxiety is making you panic - try and relax and just make sure you stick to plain old chocolate cake the next time ;)

29-07-15, 23:34
Alcohol can intensify any side effects you get from propanalol.....if you get any!
Mainly lowering blood pressure.
So you may feel a little more lighted headed. But as its bed time you will probably sleep through it.

29-07-15, 23:39
The pharmacist would know more about meds than most doctors so I would GP with their advice.

Alcohol warnings are normally meant to warn people against the dangers of drinking alcohol, not eating it in very small quantities. Many medications use a very small amount of alcohol in them anyway so unless you have a medication or condition that gives a very strict warning about any ingestion of alcohol, it will be fine.

29-07-15, 23:55
Thanks guys. I'm not feeling dizzy or lightheaded, but I am feeling pretty woozy like it's hard to stay awake, which is making me pretty anxious as I wasn't tired before. And I don't get usually sleepy if I drink, unlike most people. I guess that's why the call it a nightcap lol.

I've read people on this forum who say they used to drink very heavily on propranolol, taking shots and stuff before presentations with it, and nothing happened to them. But maybe they have a higher tolerance than me.

I'm asking my brother to look out for me and he thinks it's funny which it sort of is, but still...kinda scary. Last week I had a cocktail while on propranolol that had a little bit of vodka and cointreau in it, it was only about 5% alcohol so it was very weak and I got a little dizzy, but that was all. My heartrate isn't overly slow or anything which is good. I'm hoping nothing bad happens :/

Thanks for your advice, you make some good points. It was only a small bit, kind of like if you had a portion of tiramisu or something :)

30-07-15, 01:39
When alcohol is cooked the alcohol evaporates, all that's left of it is the flavor. It's not possible to sick from that. Unless she added the alcohol after it was done as some people do with rum cake.

30-07-15, 07:46
You would be absolutely fine, some people can drink heavy on most tablets but its handling the effect of it, like feeling dizzy etc but it definitely isn't good to drink on tablets, but your tiny desert will do absolutely nothing any wooziness u have will be ur head playing tricks on you , your not going to die so don't worry lol

30-07-15, 08:18
I would only worry if you have low blood pressure, as propranolol is not suited for people with low blood pressure.

I think the rule of thumb is that regular drinking and anti depressants are not a good mix.