View Full Version : uneven bone under my collar

30-07-15, 01:52
U know the collar bone? Well underneath it there is a bone, and my left side looks different then my right, it pokes out more then my right side. I am scared. i don't know why my left side pokes out more and looks bigger, i am trying not to google, but i am starting to panic. i have lost some weight lately, so i can see my bones more.

30-07-15, 18:31
Hi there,

One of the things health anxiety sufferers in particular overlook is that as humans, we are not perfectly symmetrical. If you were to study every person you know, they would have 'abnormalities' and pronounced areas of asymmetry. It's perfectly natural.

In fact, funnily enough, my right collar bone sticks out slightly further than my left. It also clicks if I angle my arm backwards. :D

30-07-15, 18:43
I have what feels like a dent in my right collar bone, feels very different from my left. Don't worry - as Zim has mentioned, we are not symmetrical :) It's just something you haven't noticed before.

31-07-15, 12:35
I have a dent in mine too it seems like, or a bump, I'm not sure, but I am going to the doctor today. I am so worried. I hate this feeling.