View Full Version : I am very worried. I hate being scared.

30-07-15, 02:15
I haven't had much sleep last night, and today I had coffee. I have been very stressed, I am having relationship problems. And on top of that, I have health anxiety. I thought I had my anxiety in control, but it came out of nowhere again tonight.

I looked in the mirror, and I noticed the bones above my breasts. The left side of the bone pokes out more then the right side. I am worried, I am scared. I feel like i have lost a lot of weight so my bones poke out more, but I am not sure why it seems like my left bone pokes out more then my right. Ugh I am trying not to google, because I don't want to freak myself out, but I am so scared.

30-07-15, 02:27
I am not sure why it seems like my left bone pokes out more then my right.

Because we're not symmetrical beings.

Positive thoughts

30-07-15, 02:36
Because we're not symmetrical beings.

Positive thoughts

I just feel so scared, I don't know what to do. :( Im worried its worst case scenario I hate this.

30-07-15, 02:43
I just feel so scared, I don't know what to do. :( Im worried its worst case scenario I hate this.

What's the worse case scenario? Normal asymmetry?

Positive thoughts

30-07-15, 02:50
What's the worse case scenario? Normal asymmetry?

Positive thoughts

It's hard to believe though. Because the left side bone looks bigger then the right side, and i Just am worried its something terrible . I just feel like running to the doctor, but I know I can't. :( This is so scary, I just feel so alone. I can't stop worrying.

30-07-15, 13:45
I made a doctors appointment for tomorrow, but I am just so scared it's gonna be something serious. I can't stop feeling the bone and I definitely feel like its larger on one side compared to the other. I just feel like so scared, and so worried. This sucks. :(

30-07-15, 18:36
Hi there :)

Sorry to hear you're feeling so stressed. It's probably the relationship problems you mentioned which are stressing you out more, so it's adding fuel to the fire with your health anxiety.

My health anxiety always sky rockets when there's other stressful things in my life.

When I was at university it was exam week, and I was convinced I had a clot in my leg - as if I could see a lump on my leg and it really really hurt. I panicked the whole way through the exam and went straight to A+E afterwards. Guess what it was? CELLULITE! :roflmao: or as the doctor called it - 'a fatty deposit'. Need to lay off the sweets!

Needless to say, after being reassured that it was nothing by my doctor, which was confirmed with a blood test that I demanded :blush: my leg pain went away.

If getting reassurance from your doctor will take your mind off it, then do it. I can assure you it's nothing, but sometimes we just need the reassurance of a health care professional to put our mind at ease, and there's nothing wrong with that.

Hope you feel better soon

- Therese x

30-07-15, 18:57
the left side bone looks bigger then the right side

Ok... one more shot. In addition to what everyone else has said and affirmed. What you said above is the very definition of asymmetrical.


1. not identical on both sides of a central line; unsymmetrical; lacking symmetry:

Most faces are asymmetric (as is the left and right side of you body and collarbone).

Positive thoughts

03-08-15, 17:19
I went to the doctors office, and a nurse practitioner was there., and they said its the "2nd rib" and he felt it and didn't seem like there was anything wrong with it. Its hard for me to believe the nurse practitioner. I feel like I need to go back and talk to a doctor. I don't know why my 2nd rib sticks out on one side more then the other side. I just can't sleep at night , I can't eat, I am constantly worried its something serious. Im so paranoid about this.