View Full Version : weird head feeling

30-07-15, 15:10
Hi all,

I have not been bad the last few weeks until today I have this weird sensation in my head that is quite hard to explain. It feels like I'm going to pass out. I don't feel dizzy I kinda feels a bit tense and the only other way I can describe it is and this sounds mental as it is full of air. I do have anxiety today so I'm thinking that this is a symptom of that I'm also wondering if it's because I have not slept properly after coming off a night shift. But I'm worrying that it's something serious and I will pass out. Does anyone else feel strange like this?

30-07-15, 15:33
Hey! I think I know what youre talking about, its a physical symptom caused by thoughts of Anxiety. I'm not the best at explaining how this happens but I went for therapy for physical symptoms of anxiety last year and it feel like strong sensations in my head and I would get dizzy and tired and then my thoughts would lead to 'is this something wrong with my brain?' when its not and youre completely OK :)

You are best to just calm yourself down and use a good breathing technique and just say to yourself 'this is a silly thought and its my anxiety playing up, i am perfectly fine' and move on from it, there is so many ways to get through a physical symptom, challenge it like your challenging a playground bully, its time to take the little voice in your head down! Hope this helps! :yesyes:

02-08-15, 04:50
It could be as swanbird said or it could be your breathing pattern. My main symptom is shortness of breathe and when I get this I can tell you I don't breathe normally. I breathe much faster, try to breathe deeper and all that crazy stuff and usually end up feeling very light headed. I hope I helped. :)