View Full Version : Feeling down..

30-07-15, 16:57
Well I'm having a hard time this last week or so. I'm coming down off Trazodone and have reduced gradually from 50mg to 5mg by dropping 5 per week - so it's taken a while!

The last few days I've felt extremely tense and on edge. I'm not sleeping well again and last night only had around 3 hours.

This afternoon I feel quite down. I'm exhausted and fed up. Just want to be off trazodone and feel back to normal again. Tomorrow will be the last time I take it. Hope I wont have many side effects when I come off it!

Just to clarify I started taking it in March for insomnia.

Thanks for reading!

30-07-15, 18:26
Ohh crystal so sorry to hear you are still having a bad time with all this and your sleep is not good again.hopfully when you get off traz you will feel better soon..you prob having withdraw from the traz and im sure it wont last for to much longer.you should ask your doctor for a short course of sleeping pills and do what i do...i give it a few days of bad sleeping,then have a sleeping pill just to make up for lost sleep..its reasuring knowing i have them if i need them.i only take them a couple of times a week and find they realy help when iv lost to much sleep.if you only take a couple of times a week,you wont become addicted and you know you will het a good couple of nights sleep..

30-07-15, 19:06
Thanks Greg. I am going to see how it goes with my sleep for now. I really don't want to take any meds at all (I know no one does!) and I tried zopiclone before traz and didn't get on well with it. Plus it only gave me around 3 hours sleep so I'd be worse off I think! Just going to have to learn to do it naturally again and hope it all settles down.

Will keep you posted...!

Ps great news about your job!!!

31-07-15, 09:16
Well good luck crystal,hope you get there with it all..

31-07-15, 09:29
Thanks greg, had another bad night last night but am determined tonight will be my last night on Traz and will try to stay positive.

I slept well for 44 years so I wasn't born like this, it is learnt behaviour. Just need to unlearn it!

Hoping the side effects will pass quickly, going on holiday on Monday so could really do without this!

Have a good day :)

31-07-15, 10:39
Sory to hear another bad night crystal..once off the traz things will improve..anyway your holiday may suprise you,activities days out long days of fun,feeling relaxed new inviroment may be just what you need to help you sleep and forget all your problems..be possitive about your holiday and dont let negetive thoughts spoil it for you

31-07-15, 10:58
Yes I'm hoping it will do the trick greg. I've been reading a lot about insomnia as it's worse again now and as this was why I went onto traz in the first place it's no real surprise it's back with a vengeance!

It won't kill me. It doesn't feel nice but I will always sleep eventually. And once I get back into a natural sleep pattern I will be the happiest person in the World! And I will get there because I'm determined!

I actually don't feel too bad for now, the shakiness has gone, the sun is shining and having a lovely morning with my son. As you know kids can be a great distraction!!!

When are you having your daughter again?

31-07-15, 11:24
Thats the spirit crystal..yes it will return and you will get back your natural sleep in time..the holiday may well kick start your sleep patern back to norm..sun see and fresh air and long days of fun..fingers crossed for you..im seeing my girl on the 18 august and having her for my birthday on the 22nd.first time in over two years.so looking forward to that.then im having herbevery two weeks..thats much better and will have her maybe xmas eve till late xmas day..its all falling into place.

31-07-15, 11:50
keep going crystal ,i had chronic insomnia when i was at my worst and i can tell you i overcome it without meds so it can be done
Try and be patient time is a great healer

31-07-15, 11:59
That's great greg, you're right it is all falling into place! You've had a long stretch of hardship but now things are turning around big time! So pleased for you! ��

---------- Post added at 11:59 ---------- Previous post was at 11:56 ----------

keep going crystal ,i had chronic insomnia when i was at my worst and i can tell you i overcome it without meds so it can be done
Try and be patient time is a great healer

Thank you Andy that's reassuring! How long would you say it took you to go from being med free to no insomnia? I know we're dlfferent and it is completely irrelevant really but just curious? Hope you're doing well at the mo!

31-07-15, 12:50
That's great greg, you're right it is all falling into place! You've had a long stretch of hardship but now things are turning around big time! So pleased for you! ��

---------- Post added at 11:59 ---------- Previous post was at 11:56 ----------

Thank you Andy that's reassuring! How long would you say it took you to go from being med free to no insomnia? I know we're dlfferent and it is completely irrelevant really but just curious? Hope you're doing well at the mo!
its hard to put a timescale on it because i kept having setbacks which is perfectly normal when dealing with anxiety,It has probably taken me 2 years to get back to 100% normal but i had months where my sleep and anxiety werent there then a few weeks of setbacks.Its a bumpy road but it can be overcome,try not to put timescales on things i always told myself be patient it will work out in the end and it did