View Full Version : Malignant melanoma absolutely terrified

30-07-15, 20:26
Terrified I have skin cancer which has spread to my brain and I'll die imminently :( I have a mole which I've known for ages looked a bit weird and I didn't do anything about it as I've just always remembered it sticking up a bit on one side and being a bit red. For some reason I went to get it checked today before I leave for travelling on Sunday for 58 days. GP said he didn't think it was anything nasty, but I've now convinced myself it's terminal cancer. My granddad had skin cancer in a mole, my dad has had loads of moles removed but none were cancerous. I'm going to ring in again tomorrow and ask for a referral to a dermatologist as I am not convinced. He spent ages looking at it and I just think he said it was okay so that I don't worry on my trip - he offered to freeze it off but said he didn't think it was necessary. How am I meant to enjoy my trip away now, I'm so anxious I've spent half the day shaking, not eating and on the loo and reading up on terminal malignant melanoma. Please help me.

30-07-15, 20:47
Firstly stop google I too have skin cancer anxiety, if the doctor says it's fine then it's fine they look through there magnified light to see the colour etc, please don't worry urself go enjoy ur trip, u don't have skin cancer they would refer u if they where even a tiny bit worried

30-07-15, 21:07
Here's the thing... in the last three weeks you thought you had a brain tumor, breast cancer and now melanoma. None of which can be substantiated.

Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts. A mole you've had for ages would have buried you by now if it were cancer. And please, don't come back with a "yeah but". There isn't one.

Go enjoy your trip!

Positive thoughts

30-07-15, 22:39
Here's the thing... in the last three weeks you thought you had a brain tumor, breast cancer and now melanoma. None of which can be substantiated.

Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts. A mole you've had for ages would have buried you by now if it were cancer. And please, don't come back with a "yeah but". There isn't one.

Go enjoy your trip!

Positive thoughts


I have seen malignant melanoma and it grows big and fast and looks very very black. No doctor would offer to freeze off anthing they had the slightest suspicion was any sort of skin cancer.

31-07-15, 08:40
If your GP said it was fine then it is!
