View Full Version : I'm New , Hello Everyone, Seroxat Life Sentence Hell

30-07-15, 22:22
Hi all,
I'm new to this forum.
I have been on Seroxat 20 MG for almost 19 years.

I make no excuses in saying that Seroxat, Paxil, or Paroxetine is an Evil drug.
It's highly addictive and almost impossible to get off.
I have read many posts already and can relate to many of the side effects that have been mentioned.
The longer you take the drug for, the harder it is to ever stop.
Some people will feel that this drug has helped with their problems that they initially sought medical advice about.

I feel personally that the pharmaceutical company has questions that need answering.
Any person on here that has been taking Seroxat and is worried about a life dependency on this medication, then please post a reply.

I look forward to hearing from you all

30-07-15, 22:48
I had a years and years long dependency on another drug, don't know what it's called in the Uk. Anyway, gave it up 10 years ago, well, to say it was hard would be the understatement if the century, but I did it, therefore it is possible.
Don't even get me started on pharmaceutical companies...

31-07-15, 22:55
Thanks for replying,
Happy you gave up the drug you took for 10 years. Well done.
Each drug is different and therefore it's impossible to make comparisons on the ease of quitting one drug against another. I think in the case of seroxat , it can't be done

30-10-15, 19:52
Hello Senna 94, I've just joined the site, so I don't know if your post is still 'Active'.
Anyway I have been on seroxat for 18 years. I weaned myself right down to 5m but my doctor was pestering me to get off it saying that I was taking such a small amount anyway that I was imagining any good that it was doing.
I took it for anxiety, shallow breathing , panic. I had the syrup until I got down to 1m last week. I am now off the drug but all those feelings have returned in terrible fashion. If it continues like this it seems the past 18years have been for nothing.
How are you doing ?
Best wishes,

26-11-15, 20:53
Hi don't no how to start haven't been on here a long time but I use to just suffer with panic attacks anxiety I took seroxat 20mg for 13 years I gave it up and have never been the same person since mentally and physically. I am currently part off the seroxat litigation to get compensation for what this drug has done to me. Thousands off people have been compensated in America for the damage this drug has done and fortitude law lawyers in uk are now trying to get the compensation people deserve here in uk. my advice is if you have been on it more than ten years I would probably stay on it I wish I had.

---------- Post added at 20:53 ---------- Previous post was at 20:45 ----------

If you were prescribed it before the age off 20 or have taken less than 10 years Google fortitude law they are taking on cases for compensation where people can't stop seroxat or have been damaged by it. Seroxat is the biggest drug scandal since thilidomide google risk data based medicine dr David Healy and you will find all your answers. Or purchase the book the seroxat scandal Bob fiddaman.

26-03-16, 19:27
I am trying to come off of Seroxat after two years. I have felt withdrawal effects from the first day and I've only come down half a mg! I am going through hell and my panic is really too much for me right now.

26-03-16, 20:09
Are you weaning off for a particular reason Brie? And have you discussed with a doctor? Can you switch to something else or take benzos to help? I've been on Parox for 18 years x

03-04-16, 19:15
Hi I've been taking seroxat for 17 years and am currently being weaned off it. Once I get to 10mgs per day my Dr will be prescribing 10mgs of sertraline to go with it and try to further reduce from there. I hope it works and will let you know. I've had terrible trouble with trying to reduce it without any substitutions so I'm keeping my fingers crossed x

09-09-16, 09:42
Hi Blossom I am wondering how you got on? I'm in your situation so would value knowing if another med helped to come off them.

06-08-17, 16:28
Hi I'm a newbie to this but not the hell of seroxat.at the risk of sounding like a drama queen it has ruined the last 21 years of my life and my sons childhood! Now I'm told that because I haven't been able to get off it quick enough I'm not entitled to compensation?? I don't understand how they can get away with this when they actually changed the wording AFTER I was already addicted! I asked at the time when I saw the psychiatrist if the medication was addictive and was told in no way was it addictive!! Omg��Hindsight is a wonderful thing! I'm now left with neurological damage and have lost countless family and friend through the aggression these tablets caused.Please anyone thinking of taking this horrendous medication!! DONT!!! I've been told for years I have a chemical imbalance in my brain which I now know has never been scientifically proven!!! Sorry for the rant��