View Full Version : anxious all day everyday!

31-07-15, 12:50
Hello I'm fairly new on here and haven't posted much but today I don't know where to turn! I suffer with anxiety and panic attacks, have been like j e this since last November the doctor put me on 15mg mirt which worked for a month then went back and they put me on 30mg mirt which again I was ok for about a month, went back the upped it to 45mg but that just made me more anxious and the panic attacks came back so I was told to go back on 30 which I felt calm for a few days but now I wake anxious everyday and just can't relax at all. It's like my heart is beating really fast but I can't feel it if that makes sense. I spend most of the day in my bedroom colouring in coz that helps a bit. Some days I can spend all day concentrating on my breathing! I have a couple of glasses of wine in t :) e evening because it calms me down and helps me to eat coz never feel hungry. Sorry if I've gone on a bit but does anyone else relate to this. I'll feel like I'm always going to be like this. I'm thinking of reducing my dosage to see if that helps. I hate going to doctor's it always sets me back when I go. Thanks

31-07-15, 13:16
Hi, I can totally relate, the same thing is happening to me at the moment. The positive I will say is that I had a long bout of it four years ago from which I made a really good recovery with therapy and meds, so there is hope. Have you had any therapy? I found CBT really helpful. Hugs xx

31-07-15, 13:54
Hi, I can totally relate, the same thing is happening to me at the moment. The positive I will say is that I had a long bout of it four years ago from which I made a really good recovery with therapy and meds, so there is hope. Have you had any therapy? I found CBT really helpful. Hugs xx

Hello Danron
Thankyou for your reply. I'm on the waiting list for CBT on the nhs but have to wait till September!; ive had a few private sessions but not sure if its helping. Did you feel like your heart was beating fast but couldn't really feel it? I'm anxious all the time and can't relax unless I have a glass of wine, which I know probably isn't helping but mirt doesn't seem to work. Hugs xxx

31-07-15, 13:56
I am the same and just wish it would all go away , currently on citalipram 40 mg but feel it's to high a dose and also take propananol 80 mg slow release but nothing seems to help and just feel very scared

Doctor has just put me on diazepam for a short spell to see if that helps

31-07-15, 14:47
Hello Tristan I'm the same, scared and frightened. When I'm asked what I feel like its really hard to explain. My doctor gave me diazepam and it did help but they wont give me anymore!! I hate not being able to relax do you? I feel like its never going to end. A couple of glasses of wine in the evening is the only thing that helps me calm down and that's just not good really and that's also when I can eat coz never feel hungry. Have you thought that maybe the tablets arnt right for you? I often think that about mine. Hugs to you xxx

31-07-15, 14:52
I used to worry about the fast heart beat but I managed to conqure my fear of that and it doesn't bother me so much anymore, it's the nasea and intense fear that I struggle to cope with. CBT took a long time I had a lot of sessions before I saw lots of improvement. I'm on the waiting list aswell and it's at least 11 weeks long! Blooming heck folks, it's not fair that we have to deal with this xxx

31-07-15, 15:00
Hello it sounds horrible but it feels nice knowing your not the only one battling this invisible illness. Ive been waiting on the NHS for cbt they said there's a 90 day wait!! I think I'm due to start in September! Its bad isn't it. At least there's hope. Hope you're ok take care xxx

31-07-15, 16:25
This is the worst feeling in the world , it's really hard to explain to a doctor how your feeling and as far as the meds go in really not sure any more but I worry about what I would be like with out them .

It's got that bad over the last 4 weeks that I am going to do private counselling as can't wait that long

Really not sure about the diazipam as made me feel really bad yesterday when I took one , maybe it's just my body getting use to them ? I haven't had a drink in years but it's getting to the stage where I might just go for it and see what happens , I do like a smoke though ( not weed ) just like smoking in general .

Take care it's going to be a long one x x x

01-08-15, 07:58
Totally relate to this. I am week six of being on Sertraline now and am seeing an improvement. I have gone from being anxious all the time to half the time.

It can be a long road but you will get there.

01-08-15, 11:22
This is the worst feeling in the world , it's really hard to explain to a doctor how your feeling and as far as the meds go in really not sure any more but I worry about what I would be like with out them .

It's got that bad over the last 4 weeks that I am going to do private counselling as can't wait that long

Really not sure about the diazipam as made me feel really bad yesterday when I took one , maybe it's just my body getting use to them ? I haven't had a drink in years but it's getting to the stage where I might just go for it and see what happens , I do like a smoke though ( not weed ) just like smoking in general .

Take care it's going to be a long one x x x

I'm the same I've started paying for a private cbt therapy because I've been waiting so long but can only afford to go every two weeks it's so expensive! Just get fed up waking with the same anxious and panicky feeling. I smoke too, I've noticed I'm smoking more than ever coz of this horrible invisible illness! I really hope the therapy works for both of us it's got to. Hope you're ok? Take care xx