View Full Version : random panic for no reason

31-07-15, 14:57
I have been doing really well with my anxiety and depression lately. So it was a bit disturbing to wake up with really bad panic and anxiety today. I called out sick from work, wasn't feeling well, went back to bed and when I woke up again thats when the panic hit.

I made myself get up and have some breakfast. It still hasn't passed. It's weird, no reason for it at all, and I have been doing really well. It is freaking me out a bit. I can't seem to relax.

31-07-15, 16:54
It's normal when you've had problems with panic or anxiety to just get a random out burst so try not to worry. The best thing to do is just carry on as normal. I does feel like such a let down when you've been feeling go for a while to suddenly get this feeling but our minds get locked into the panic/anxiety cycle or habit and this can happen.
Don't let it put you off keeping doing what your doing to help yourself and remember you have dealt with this before and can again.

31-07-15, 16:59
Thanks, Jenwales. I am trying to. I did some yoga, tried to do a few things around the house to not think too much about it. It helped a little, although still feeling anxious. I m trying to remind myself that it will pass.