View Full Version : worried about scabies! Advice please!

31-07-15, 15:50
Hi I haven't been on here in a while but lately my anxiety has gotten quite bad and I have become concerned that I may have scabies.

I have hypochondria at the same time as also having an insect phobia.

Lately I've been very itchy and I know anxiety can bring on symptoms such as this but at the same time I am worried it may be from the scabies mites in my skin. Has anyone suffered from this before, and if you have could you tell me about what your symptoms were?

My current symptoms are being very itchy down below/in my nose and ears/on my feet and ears and occasionally all over the rest of my body. I have some red marks on my face but nothing like a rash and it tends to be the same at night as it is during the day. I can't see any 'burrows' like the websites say to look for.

My local surgery is incredibly busy and I can't see anyone from there for at least another month.

31-07-15, 16:05
My understanding is that scabies leaves a silvery line on the skin, you do get a rash but the silvery lines are where they have burrowed. I think if you can't see any rash or silvery marks then it probably isn't scabies.

Do you have allergies, I was itching like mad last night but I do get hayfever and other allergies so put it down to that.

If you are really worried pop to your local chemist and ask but it sounds like you might just have a slight allergy to something and I'm sure your anxiety probably isn't helping, try putting on something soothing like E45 it might just be something as simple as dry skin?

31-07-15, 21:28
My understanding is that scabies leaves a silvery line on the skin, you do get a rash but the silvery lines are where they have burrowed. I think if you can't see any rash or silvery marks then it probably isn't scabies.

Do you have allergies, I was itching like mad last night but I do get hayfever and other allergies so put it down to that.

If you are really worried pop to your local chemist and ask but it sounds like you might just have a slight allergy to something and I'm sure your anxiety probably isn't helping, try putting on something soothing like E45 it might just be something as simple as dry skin?

Thank you for the nice, reassuring comment. I went to my local chemist and they just told me everything I already knew. It's mainly itchy in my nose now, like I'm constantly going to sneeze and the sensation of something moving around in there. It's horrible because most health care providers don't believe that they go on the skin above your neck which I know they can :( I don't know if I'm exacerbating it by touching it loads and causing it to itch myself.

What allergies do you have other than hayfever, out of curiosity?

01-08-15, 07:44
Hi I'm allergic to kittens, but seem to be ok with cats, I think the fur is softer when they are younger and they bring me up in hives and give me a really wheezy cough.

I also think I'm allergic to dust mites as my nose blocks up the minute I get in bed so figured it's probably dust mites and not just the pollen :)

27-07-16, 14:13
Have the same issue.... have you tried any home remedies. Mine is not very severe. I think its only in the starting phase. Met GP gave some topical cream which is making skin go red....

Came across these home remedies to get rid of scabies (http://www.belmarrahealth.com/how-to-get-rid-of-scabies/).