View Full Version : lattisimus dorsi muscle thicker

31-07-15, 17:09
Ive been noticing the area, which i googled, being the latissimus dorsi muscle, is thicker on one side of my body than the other. I know our bodies are not symmetrical. I do a lot of lifting of my 32 pound toddler and when i sit at my desik for my job for 9 hours, i have a horrible habit of leaning to the left. Google talks about favoring one side of body, but wouldnt i have this if sat to the right? What do you think this is? Anyone else have this?

31-07-15, 17:17
Hi there Cricket,

In a way (as irritating as it may sound) you have answered your own question. :)

As humans, we are not symmetrical. The last time I went to the GP, I asked them whether it was a problem that one of my collar bones was more prominent than the other and noticeably clicked each time I pulled it backwards. I was informed that it is simply a natural variation and we all have areas that are bigger than others, all over our body.

Muscles in particular are influenced directly by our daily posture and the activities we endure so it really is nothing to worry about. It doesn't suggest any kind of health problem at all.