View Full Version : Spot inside cheek

31-07-15, 20:26
I noticed around three weeks ago I had this spot inside my cheek. I forgot about it and I felt the spot with my tongue and I'm so scared because it's still there! I don't wanna go to the docs cause I've been there and back 12 times in a few months now. It's like a dark red dot surrounded by fleshy white tissue. It's painless and I have a similar looking thing further up my cheek. I don't know If if it healed because I don't remember. And even if it did why would it come back? I'm a 17 yr old non smoker too which pretty much says I don't have oral ca.... Right? Or am I just unlucky? :(

31-07-15, 20:32
Oral cancer is nearly always a patch, it sounds more like a blood blister bite have u bitten the inside of ur mouth, I sometimes bite my cheeks and get blood blister spots etc, gargle some salt water and see if it's gone in 1 week if not then go doctors or dentist and don't have no fizzy drink or spicy and make sure u don't bite ur cheek lol

---------- Post added at 20:32 ---------- Previous post was at 20:30 ----------

And also oral cancer is so rare and is seriously seriously not gonna be nothing to worry about at 17 years old so please don't think the worst

31-07-15, 20:33
Hi again lol. Sry about this but thanks again for replying! I haven't posted two different worries on the same day before. But okay il do that and see what happens :) thanks again.

31-07-15, 20:37
And stop looking in ur mouth ur finding stuff wrong with ur mouth or shouldn't be there you need to stop the obsession off oral cancer all ur posts lately are off oral cancer worry so, go doctors ask for cbt therapy and do not Google ur only 17 enjoy yourself

---------- Post added at 20:37 ---------- Previous post was at 20:34 ----------

If u need a chat just pm myself or write on here make these ur steps :

gargle salt water (half a cup of water and 1 table spoon of salt 3 big gargles once in morning at once at night

Don't even look at ur mouth for a week

All u gotta do don't even have a quick browse all the best lol

31-07-15, 20:38
Okay I will do btw what's cbt therapy? Thanks

31-07-15, 20:48
Google it basically it's like therapy for health anxiety and the way people think etc it's supposed to be really really good I'm on my 2nd appointment atm worth getting help because it only gets worse worrying about different things I should of done it sooner I'm 26 now shud of had it at 23 would of had none of this worry now if i did lol

31-07-15, 20:54
Oh right yeah I'm on therapy at the moment and I'm on my 3rd appointment. Only had hyperchondria since February so no where near as long as u :o. it's basically like your brain is torturing you everyday isn't it? That's what it's like for me anyways lol.

31-07-15, 21:01
It's a Worry when u worry yourself and comes a obsession worrying about cancer , it's pathetic really I sometimes have my little worries and I'm ok or sometimes I have my full blown panics lol, I wonder if it's a obsession that just need to stop it's so boring it bores me now

07-01-17, 18:10
I've noticed a small dark red spot on the inside of my left cheek today that seem to have appeared out of nowhere. It was not there yesterday.I don't remember biting my cheek. I am 24 years old. Can you please tell me what it looks like to you. What could it be?I have attached the Images.

07-01-17, 19:18
Have you gone to the doctor??

07-01-17, 19:25
I noticed around three weeks ago I had this spot inside my cheek. I forgot about it and I felt the spot with my tongue and I'm so scared because it's still there! I don't wanna go to the docs cause I've been there and back 12 times in a few months now. It's like a dark red dot surrounded by fleshy white tissue. It's painless and I have a similar looking thing further up my cheek. I don't know If if it healed because I don't remember. And even if it did why would it come back? I'm a 17 yr old non smoker too which pretty much says I don't have oral ca.... Right? Or am I just unlucky? :(

Do you chew the inside of your cheek?
I often do this when I'm anxious.
Maybe you're not even aware of it, but I bet you do, too.

07-01-17, 20:00
This is an old post. The OP hasn't logged in since November. I would venture to say he's fine Ok? ;)

Anoop, No one can diagnose from an image. If you're that concerned, certainly you can see your doctor but as 99.999% of the fears posted here, it's not the sinister thing you think it is :)

Positive thoughts

09-01-17, 10:17
No I haven't.
Update: The dark spot completely disappeared in the evening on the same day.
Should I be worried about it or shall I ignore it?

09-01-17, 10:46
You are asking people if you should be worried about something that doesn't even exist. And that's according to you. That's kind of silly.

09-01-17, 16:44
I get those pretty frequently. they look just like the pics. Blood blister, Move on.

09-01-17, 17:55
I've had this before. It's a blood blister from biting your cheek (possibly when you're sleeping).

17-01-17, 11:12
No I haven't.
Update: The dark spot completely disappeared in the evening on the same day.
Should I be worried about it or shall I ignore it?

Hey, sounds to me like you had a blood blister (nothing to panic about). I get them all the time and don't even realise I bit the inside of my cheek.
Hope this helps👌🏻