View Full Version : Tingles/burns...docs not worried, I'm on brink of insanity

31-07-15, 22:03
Hello all :unsure:

First of I'd like to mention that I kept bumping into this forum every single time I googled my symptoms and thought I'd finally see if I can find an anxiety oasis here :unsure:

So my story's pretty stretched now, and my symptoms have been 'evolving' for around a month now. It started as random shooting pains in my armpits that would last like 2s and then go away. Through the course of a week this evolved in tingling down my arms and around my elbows, sometimes going to my fingers. Initial thought, razor infection or breast cancer. I was so scared of the cancer idea I kept rechecking myself every 20 minutes. Days went on, and suddenly at work I felt a strong strain in my neck, and then suddenly remembered that I helped someone take a sofa downstairs, thought hmm maybe that's it?? So two weeks after the initial symptoms, I finally saw my GP, literally went into his office with tears in my eyes. After a long convo he said those are typical symptoms of a pinched nerve in the neck. He tested my mobility and did the hammer thing on my arms, and he said it's most likely my neck. He gave me the most typical anti-inflammatory meds, ordered a blood test for the bones, diabetes (family history) and the regular full blood count test. He said if the meds don't help, he'll refer me to a physiotherapist.
I think three days after seeing the GP, the symptoms have moved down to my legs :weep: I couldn't sleep one night because when I laid down, I'd get tingles down from my tailbone to my legs! Putting a pillow under my knees helped the first night, but now it sorta doesn't. I of course panicked like there's no tomorrow and called 111 - they simply said refer to GP within two hours. I did that, and I got a call back from my doc - he said your blood results are back in (apart from thyroid, which now I know is fine) and they are fine, apart from a sliiiight lack of iron (I'm pretty much anemic for like 3 years now...), FBC and bone stuff is all normal. I told him about the leg issue and he said it's probably another pinched nerve there.
Few more days pass I think, and my anxiety has hit rock bottom, I go to A&E with a heavy heart cause I've always told myself I don't want to be part of the problem of an already clogged medical system. I basically ran out of work after calling a friend up to see if I could get someone to go with me, and went straight there. I was literally shaking head to toe hoping for the worst (that's just how I am....no optimism at all).
I wasn't a high priority so we waited a few hours. The doctor that saw me was very lovely and I had a full examination that lasted for more than half an hour I think. She did the same examination my GP did, just a more extensive one. I could bend in all ways, she couldn't feel anything in my abdominal organs, she checked my spine, looked through previous bloodwork etc. She listened to my freaked out ramble about cancers, MS and so on, she was very understanding and said it's pretty much unlikely because I'm only 23, my blood test is perfectly fine etc. She said pinched nerves are very common and said to carry on with the meds for a few days and then refer to a physiotherapist.
Just before leaving I remembered I have a sort of lump next to my lower spine on the left side - one day I was checking that spot so much that I was actually sore the next day! She told me to stand straight and checked that area again and said that she got what I was saying about the bump, but unlike what I was thinking, she said it is most likely a slightly displaced pelvis and the sacroilliac joint is around that spot. She reassured me that it is nothing to worry about and that I should seek a therapist. She also said that they COULD do an xray, but she did not see the need.

Now a few days ago I got cramps in my right foot and from the next day it feels like my toes are bruised :( When I'm at rest I don't feel any pain whatsoever, but when I walk I can feel my toes. When I'm at work my right arm tends to get the burning feeling as I tend to do quite a bit of item lifting and shifting, even if they aren't heavy. Can't sleep because of the bloody leg/tailbone issue :( I sometimes get the tingles in my legs when I'm sitting or standing, comes and goes really. Sometimes get tingles in my fingers, which is probably from neck healing, I HOPE.

I am so so scared I am literally losing my mind :weep::weep: I'm scared that I have a tumor, a cancer, something with my brain, something with my bones, and I don't know what do anymore :( Don't know how to survive until Tuesday, cause that's when my doctor is calling me to talk about the blood test (because the thyroid results came in, register lady said it was fine though), I feel like asking to get every single possible test done but then I keep thinking it's way too late :weep:

Basically I'm useless at work, can't do my personal work at home because of constant anxiety, can't make any future plans because I'm thinking oh what's the point if I'm dying anyhow, BASICALLY I'm just on the brink of buying myself a coffin :weep:

Aaand literally I'm in tears now :weep: I've had my mother pass away when I was an early teen, and my dad had kidney cancer last year (thank goodness stage 1...) and it scared the living daylight out of me. All I'm thinking about now is that I don't want to be burried next to my parents cause it's a 3 space grave we have where my mom is :weep: I've barely finished uni last year and I'm still in the process of starting a career, and the thought of dying so early is pushing me to the brink of insanity and no one seems to understand me :weep:

I'll probably feel deep shame after posting this but I'm grasping at straws here, I just can't deal with the constant stress and anxiety :weep: Don't even know if I'll have the guts to read replies if there are any :doh::weep:

P.S. I'm so worried I can't be bothered to eat or drink anymore :weep:
P.P.S just got up from the computer after writing this and my legs feel sort of numb/frozen. Seems to be going away as I walk around. This is driving me mad :(

31-07-15, 22:19
Hello, welcome to the forum . I have had exactly the same symptoms in my neck arm fingers tingling and burning feeling . I was washing my hair in the shower and i trapped a nerve, it got so back i couldn't feel my index finger or thumb for days, i finally went to the doctors and had physio which sorted the problem out after about 6 weeks.

I can't relate the the bump on your back but i can relate to the leg pain and foot sensations, my doctor told me it was a hormone imbalance and it seemed to come and go with my monthly cycle , I went through early menopause and the leg symptoms are there still but not so bad.

I think if you have had all those tests done and they can't find anything then it is pretty much an anxiety issue . x

31-07-15, 22:56
Hi feelthelove, thanks for your answer. The trapped nerve thing keeps me wondering, cause as I said my symptoms creeped over me slightly, and even though my doctor said that's perfectly normal, my mind is not at ease :( And now I decided to keep pressing on that darned lump on my back, I swear I did something and now it's an irregular shape!! I honestly don't know what to think anymore and where to look for help, I keep thinking it's way too late :(

02-08-15, 17:47
Anyone have anxiety advise here? :( I just did more googling about pelvic bone lumps (especially around the ilium I think?) and all I'm getting is cancer talk :( I literally can't sleep or eat anymore.

02-08-15, 19:30
It really sounds to me as if you have gotten yourself into such a state and are now not imaging these problems, but intensifying them. If the doctor has told you there's nothing wrong with you then you have to find a way to believe him. It sounds like anxiety, and the doc can help you with that. Don't feel shame for writing this by the way - you feelings are real to you and I totally understand how scary they are - my throat feels like it closes.

02-08-15, 20:23
Yes I'm in a pretty horrible state to be honest :( As much as I want to trust doctors because obviously they've studied for multiple years and know much more than I do, I just know most doctors will stick with the 'obvious' conclussions, when in fact it might be something else, and you could find multiple stories illustrating my point! I am getting a phone session with a psychologist in less than 2wks time, but I don't think they'll help much.
I'm going to try and beg for an emergency appointment first thing in the morning, just so I could plead my doc to refer me for an xray or mri or whatever else, cause I am literally going slowly insane. Or will try to find a walk in clinic somewhere if that plan doesn't succeed, I'm just desperate at this moment, that lump in my back is driving my imagination nuts :(

02-08-15, 20:33
Yes I'm in a pretty horrible state to be honest :( As much as I want to trust doctors because obviously they've studied for multiple years and know much more than I do, I just know most doctors will stick with the 'obvious' conclussions, when in fact it might be something else, and you could find multiple stories illustrating my point! I am getting a phone session with a psychologist in less than 2wks time, but I don't think they'll help much.
I'm going to try and beg for an emergency appointment first thing in the morning, just so I could plead my doc to refer me for an xray or mri or whatever else, cause I am literally going slowly insane. Or will try to find a walk in clinic somewhere if that plan doesn't succeed, I'm just desperate at this moment, that lump in my back is driving my imagination nuts :(

The thing is, you never hear about the times the doctors were right and it was anxiety and not a terrible illness. It is like plane crashes. They are rare. But I watch air crash investigation and it seems to me like every plane will drop out the sky.
I really think you mind is playing nasty tricks on you but if it helps, then go to the doc. Good luck xx

02-08-15, 21:15
I will admit, you are sort of right about that, but then again we have to remember all the cases where patients just 'brush off' their symptoms, and then the doctors go 'oh why didn't tell me sooner?'. I just really hope I can see my doc tomorrow, because I don't think I can get a referral over the phone (cause he was supposed to call me on Tuesday about my bloodwork anyway)

blue moon
02-08-15, 23:29

Ask your doc to put you on Lyrica,it helped me with tingles and nerve pain.Try and not google.

03-08-15, 11:26
Just came back from the doctor and the hospital for an extra blood test...I was NOT going crazy it seems, there IS a lump in back. Three doctors later and this one actually believed me. He said he thinks it's something bening like a cyst because it is movable, but of course I still believe it's cancer :weep: He referred me for an ultrasound. Today was the first time I actually cried in public and didn't give a darn anymore :(

03-08-15, 16:52
...and now I'm scared I have something like bone marrow cancer. I think the famous 'FML' acronym is a very good one to use now.