View Full Version : Stomach Flu????

01-08-15, 02:50
I took my brother in law to emergency last night with extreme abdominal pain, diarrhea, and vomiting. After blood work and x rays they told him he had the stomach flu. I started getting really nauseous and crampy around that point so I took some oil of oregano to help ward it off. All day today I've had cramps and pain in my abdomen but no diarrhea or vomiting. I don't have a fever or anything either. I have a huge fear of bowel obstruction so that's of course where my mind first goes. My stomach is still soft feeling tho so I'm trying to keep myself relaxed. But anyone else ever had the stomach flu with only cramping and feeling like you need to use the washroom and not being able to? Thanks in advance

01-08-15, 15:16
Sounds like some nasty bug that got your brother in law badly and you have not caught it. Everyone reacts differently to these viruses so you may be getting away lightly or it may suddenly give you the runs etc.

I have certainly in the past had gripey abdominal pains with lots of wind and then later some bowel movements and feeling yukky and this has lasted a few days then gone away and its def been a bug.

Drink lots of fluid to try and flush it out.