View Full Version : Hurrah! acupuncture helped me!

05-02-07, 08:32
I had very kind replies to my earliest postings, I wanted to let you know that I am unbelievably better. I have been having chinese herbal tea every day, with a course of weekly acupuncture. It has been expensive, but my husband says it has given my life back. The Chinese doctor has taken a wholistic approach. The medicine is all natural herbs which I have to boil up in a pan each day and drink the tea. These herbs ahev been changed as I have progressed and now I am on reduced intake and fewer acupuncture sessions. I couldnt belive the relaxation level I found with the acupuncture, it was like someone had changed my blood and replaced it with calm clean new life. I was scared in case it only happened the first time, but that wasnt the case! So, I think taht its just a case of finding something that works fro an individual, and to be able to rediscover a period of tranquillity, then helps to re-establish the non panicking person we are underneath. The causes for panic are still all there, its just my ability to cope with them thats been transformed, and thankfully, I havent had a panic now in two months. Phew

09-02-07, 17:00

I'm glad you found something that has worked for you. I have never tried acupuncture as I don't like needles but I've heard it helps loads of people.


"Our thoughts are our reality"

10-02-07, 16:58
Glad it is working for you!

If it works then stick at it. Good luck


People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel