View Full Version : Anxiety about bruises and leukaemia

01-08-15, 11:15
Just hoping for some advice and reassurance. I've noticed more than usual bruising on my legs lately - over the last two weeks. A couple of them I could explain, but this morning I noticed a patch of what looked like fingertip bruises around where I had a couple of gnat bites yesterday. I don't know whether I could have caused this myself through scratching - anyway, I have now really got 'the fear'...
I know that no one here can tell me whether my bruises are a worry or not, and to be sure I need to go to the doctor, but I can tell you that I had a full blood count exactly two months ago and it was normal - does anyone know if that's a good sign? or does it just mean that I didn't have leukaemia then, but I might have it now?
I have had a terrible year trying to cope with serious emotional abuse... this just feels like the last straw. If anyone could give me some reassurance as far as the blood count is concerned, it'll help me cope over the weekend. Thank you x

01-08-15, 13:43
I think you have answered this yourself...you had some gnat bites and now have bruising there. Bruising can often occur at the sites of bites, I get them myself, completely normal.
2 months wasn't long ago and blood tests were normal so you have nothing to worry about. I bruise really easily my legs are covered in bruises but I'm not concerned about it at all.

01-08-15, 13:46
Honestly, some people bruise easily. I myself bruise like a peach. I find bruises in all sorts of odd places - particularly my legs - and can never remember what got them there, but they are nothing to worry about. Usually just a result of banging my leg on something I forgot about, or sitting in the same positions too long.

If you are really worried, go see your GP and tell him what you're worrying about. I'm sure he or she can reassure you. But remember, you've had a blood count already. That rules leukaemia out.

01-08-15, 14:53
Thank you both so much for replying. I was afraid no one would! I know I keep on seeking reassurance, but just to check, it's really unlikely I would have developed leukaemia in the last two months, isn't it? I just keep going over and over whether or not it's possible... I don't think it is very likely that it would have reached the stage of having symptoms so soon.
I think I'll monitor it for the next couple of weeks and go back to the doctor only if I get any more, does that sound sensible?

Thanks once again for responding, it's really appreciated. x

01-08-15, 17:13
Yes it is very unlikely that you would have developed leukemia, I know it isn't easy but probably best if you could accept that the blood test was fine and stop 'monitoring' and looking for symptoms.

01-08-15, 18:52
Hi, thanks for your help. I did go to see a pharmacist because I was so worried - the bruising just seemed to get worse and more extensive. It really is bad. The pharmacist had a look and said it was 'abnormal', and that had I not recently had a blood test he would recommend I had one. However, he did also say that my recent blood test ruled out leukaemia. I feel so low with the worry - this bruising really is genuinely abnormal. I'll go to the doctor next week.

---------- Post added at 18:52 ---------- Previous post was at 18:30 ----------

I was thinking of adding a photo, but firstly I couldn't figure out how to, and then I thought that no one really wants to see that! Lol

01-08-15, 20:03
I had some mosquito bites a few year and had lots of bruising like you described especially if you scratch they bruise more.

04-08-15, 17:24
Hi again, just thought I'd let you know how I got on...
My anxiety was so awful yesterday that I went to see the doctor and got some reassurance. He said the bruising was bad and he could understand my fears, but that it wasn't bad enough to be a real worry, especially given my normal blood count two months ago. He said that probably the insect was one with a lot of anticoagulant in its venom, causing more than average bruising. I showed him all my bruises, but he didn't seem particularly concerned, suggesting I might be bruising easily because I'm a bit underweight.
I am now trying hard to accept this and stop fretting that he may be wrong! Though I know I'll be on 'Bruisewatch' for the next little while (until the next big worry comes along! LOL)
Thanks to both of you who replied, it was much appreciated.