View Full Version : Mild Concussion

01-08-15, 13:13

So on Friday night I was hit in the face during a game of Football with some friends, at the time I was fine it didn't hurt me that much I didn't continue to play as it was the end of the game.

I started to get a bit of a headache and was sick the next morning so I went to my doctors and was told I have a Mild Concussion. I didn't have a CT scan as they didn't believe it was needed as I was alert and had no memory lose just the headache and sickness.

My question is has anyone suffered a concussion? if so how long do the symptoms of nausea and headaches last? Also what should I do to help with boredom I am limiting my self to very little time on my compute and not playing and video games as it hurts my head.

My headache isn't bad and can be managed with very little pain when taking paracetamol the nausea is what is getting to me most.


01-08-15, 13:36
My daughter had an accident snowboarding in France an landed on her head. She was very confused and was vomiting. She was taken to hospital and they gave her a scan but everything seemed okay. She was diagnosed with concussion and has since had post concussion syndrome because of the severity o the fall. She is fine though and it just takes time to heal.
The best way for a concussion to heal is to rest as much as you can and sleep when ever you feel like you want to sleep. Don't watch tv or video games and try not to use the computer. Walks in the fresh air will do you good.

01-08-15, 14:13
Paul, you do make me laugh!! When I read the reply about the pogo I went to see who had posted it and...yes paulmoldeeside :-)))

01-08-15, 17:51

Thanks for the reply, I have taken a couple of walks since I received the Concussion they did help I plan on doing short walks until I feel better.

I also plan on going back to the doctor on Monday as she wants to check that I still feel the same or better. I have been told as long as it doesn't get worse within the first 72 hours I should be fine. So far It feels the same as when I went to the doctors yesterday so I guess thats a good thing.

Thanks for the advice paulmoldeeside and Annie0904.


01-08-15, 21:16
That's sounds very wise in the circumstances Madoldcodger.

Paul, I just spat my tea all over my keyboard:roflmao:thanks for that.
