View Full Version : Please HELP !!

natalie yog
01-08-15, 13:36
I was reaching for something that I dropped on the floor and got a sudden pain on the right side of my head near my forehead. If you've read on my other threads I've had an constant unbalanced/swimming feeling in my head for the past 8 weeks and had the all clear from my dr and optician but of course in my mind I'm thinking maybe a tumoud could've during these couple of days since seeing my dr or could a tumour have grown during the 2 weeks since getting my eyes tested.
Sorry for the the hysterics but I'm going through an anxiety attack right now thinking about it.

01-08-15, 13:44
Okay before anything else, I want you to take a deep breath in for 7. No rushing on that counting.

Breathe in, 1mississippi2mississippi3mississippi4, 5, 6, 7.

Now I want you to breathe out for 11.

Breathe out, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.

The pain in the side of your head is probably a result of you either moving too fast or the blood rushing to your head while you turned your body downwards.

Have you moved much today? If not, that'll be why. Again, blood rushing to an area it hasn't been for a while.

It could also be from dehydration. Have you drunk much recently? Have a nice big glass of water. Drink it nice and slowly, enjoying the taste.

It could also be brought on from hypochondria. I can see you've tagged this post "fear of death" and "fear of illness". When you are afraid of being ill, you both create pains and weird feelings for yourself by thinking about them too much, and you escalate the ones you already have, which are normal and are not dangerous.

Now, take another deep breath in for 7.

Take another deep breath out for 11.

Everything is okay. Look after yourself today. Take some paracetamol or ibuprofen if you still have pain but if you do it's likely just a little headache. Maybe from tiredness, dehydration, hunger, not doing much or staring at screens or books too long. There is nothing to fear, and you're doing fine.

natalie yog
01-08-15, 15:43
Thank you for your reply. It's just so hard when anxiety takes over and you have so many different thoughts spinning around your head you tend to think the worse.

01-08-15, 19:20
Natalie u really need to drop this tumour fears it's silly u don't have a tumour your obsessing now every symptom so please get some cbt therapy positive thoughts not silly thoughts I have had to stop myself 4 times today not thinking silly things and so far so good if I can do it I can xx

natalie yog
01-08-15, 19:33
I know I'm really angry with myself. I'm starting therapy in 2 weeks time so I really hope it helps.

01-08-15, 20:41
If u know it u need to stop it its so silly, your better than that it will ruin u everyday just the worry I know it's easier said than done but u need to try x

natalie yog
01-08-15, 21:42
My anxiety seems to be over active today but now when I think about it I am a couple of days late for my period (and before anyone asks can't get pregnant) so I think my hormones mixed with my anxiety is making it a lot worse.

01-08-15, 22:22
Natalie, please don't take this the wrong way because I know what anxiety is like( having suffered for over 15 years). But the next time you get one of your fears about an illness come on NMP and use the search button and see if others have had the same fears in the past. You can bet your bottom dollar that they have. This might help to reassure you about certain fears/symptoms. Then if you still feel anxious about it come on here and post about the anxiety that the fear is causing you and you will get lots of support.

Trust me sometimes seeing that others have posted about the exact same symptoms as you will make you feel ten times better.


natalie yog
02-08-15, 05:39
Thanks Sarah. I did what you said and you're right it did give me some comfort. I've been suffering from anxiety since my teens but for some reason this year has really been challenging.

02-08-15, 08:45
Natalie, I appreciate how hard it is at the moment for you but sometimes I think its useful to stop and think before posting a thread about your latest symptom. As I said search on NMP and you will find loads of others who have felt the same symptoms and this will reassure you are not the only one.


natalie yog
02-08-15, 12:38
Is this how you battle your health anxiety 'symptoms' ?

02-08-15, 17:03
Yes! I recently posted about my anxiety being triggered by my GP calling me to have a chest xray ( I had no symptoms but am a smoker)
I went into meltdown. So I opened my "anxiety toolbox) and used all the techniques acquired over the last 15 years to help me calm down. I.e distraction/rationalisation/CBT/Mindfulness. Within a day I was back to "my" normal.

The best thing I ever did to help me get better was to educate myself about "anxiety".
There is so much out there to help sufferers get control of their lives.
