View Full Version : Good morning, another Newbie here

01-08-15, 14:38
First, I am so grateful I found this site and registered. So, thank all of you in advance.

I'm a 43 year old female who has had clinical depression, GAD, panic attacks, etc all my life. I am currently taken Citalopram, boosted from 20 to 40 mg a few weeks ago- no change in anxiety. I was also taking 3 mg of Ativan as needed, mainly to calm my brain down enough to fall asleep.

Few weeks ago, I started having bad anxiety attacks where I could barely leave the house, which is tough when you live alone and have a pet to take care of. My doctor prescribed Xanax, I've taken it over the years as it's fast acting when you need it, but has a short half life.

I can literally feel when it wears off, as I get this heartache feeling of doom and nervousness.So, I'm gonna switch back to Ativan next month as it has a longer half life.

However, my long term goal is to try to get off these meds, if possible. I'm exploring natural supplements, holistic therapies, reading clinical trials for potential new anxiety relievers, etc.

I am currently looking into Inositol - an OTC natural supplement- that looks promising. I will start scanning the boards for others experiences with it, as well as keep you posted on my progress.

Thanks for reading!

01-08-15, 14:43
Hi and welcome to NMP

I hope we can be of some help to you on here

01-08-15, 14:46
Hiya KeepingCalm and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

01-08-15, 15:25
Hi and welcome
For natural alternatives, things that have helped me: Magnesium, Valerian complex tincture and Mandala painting xxx

01-08-15, 17:32
First, I am so grateful I found this site and registered. So, thank all of you in advance.

I'm a 43 year old female who has had clinical depression, GAD, panic attacks, etc all my life. I am currently taken Citalopram, boosted from 20 to 40 mg a few weeks ago- no change in anxiety. I was also taking 3 mg of Ativan as needed, mainly to calm my brain down enough to fall asleep.

Few weeks ago, I started having bad anxiety attacks where I could barely leave the house, which is tough when you live alone and have a pet to take care of. My doctor prescribed Xanax, I've taken it over the years as it's fast acting when you need it, but has a short half life.

I can literally feel when it wears off, as I get this heartache feeling of doom and nervousness.So, I'm gonna switch back to Ativan next month as it has a longer half life.

However, my long term goal is to try to get off these meds, if possible. I'm exploring natural supplements, holistic therapies, reading clinical trials for potential new anxiety relievers, etc.

I am currently looking into Inositol - an OTC natural supplement- that looks promising. I will start scanning the boards for others experiences with it, as well as keep you posted on my progress.

Thanks for reading!


It's interesting that having been initially on Ativan, I found Xanax far quicker in easing my anxiety, so as I always say no one pill suits everyone, as we all react differently.

British Airways use Ativan if someone is having a panic attack after consultation with ground control.

If you go down the route of natural supplements,make sure you are completely weened off the benzos. I hope it goes well for you.

02-08-15, 12:15
Thank you all for your replies!