View Full Version : hello again

Scottish lass
01-08-15, 18:03
I joined and introduced myself several months ago but then didn't come back as I convinced myself all was ok and that I could deal with my issues on my own. I was also worried that u would all think my problems where no big deal compared to u all and decided not to come back. However I now realise that A I can't do this anymore on my own and B I need to deal with it as I'm ruining things that should be really nice times for not only myself but my friends and family. I'm really not sure where to post this so I will pop it in here and see what u all think.

Well here it is anytime I do anything such as go to a night out, friends weddings, go on holiday even going on a different journey from normal I get myself in such a state that im physically ill, I start sweating like I'm having hot flushes, then I feel sick but then I go one step further and start vomitting, have diahorrea and can last anything from several minutes to several hours. Last year in London I ended up in casualty after vomiting almost constant for 18 hours due to dehydration. And every morning of the holiday except the last day when going home I vomited. Well tomorrow we going on holiday and it's started again. I really don't know what to do I have n appointment with gp but left it late to get one before going away. Been terrified to go because I don't know what she is going to say scared she will either dismiss me completely or think I'm some sort of nutcase. Sorry just need to share this with someone other than friends and family who are all totally sick of me now. Sitting here in floods of tears while being told that it's all in my head to just stop it.

Does anyone else experience this if so how do you deal with it?

01-08-15, 18:09
Hiya Scottish lass and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

Scottish lass
01-08-15, 18:20
I should say also at times I feel like I'm forcing myself to be sick in hope I will feel better. Also I think it stems from two incidents in childhood when I was genuinely unwell on holiday and I now am so terrified of being ill that im making myself ill. Feel dreadful right now but trying to ignore it dogs been for walk twice in last hour

01-08-15, 18:37
I'm a bit like that , force myself to be ill to make me better , doesnt work :-(

PM if you need a chat , i know i do :-)

01-08-15, 21:06
I really feel for you :(
So, why do you get yourself in a state - what is it that worries you?
Don't feel silly, we are all on this site for reasons such as yours.
I have the runs a lot - I asked my doc the other day and he said deffo anxiety (even tho I dont feel anxious as such) and prescribed me some fybogel!! It is no good forcing yourself to be sick - you need to find a way of calming yourself down and maybe use anti-sickness meds x

01-08-15, 21:31
Wow, that sounds like me a lot too.
When you said "even going on a different journey from normal", I know how you feel.
I like routine, and when something crops up to interrupt it, it just throws me out so much, I worry and fret, and wonder how I will cope.
I got sent on a training course a week ago - about 2 hours drive away. I worried about the venue, the hotel, the room, the eating arrangements, etc, etc. It was awful.
All previous attendees seemed to come back and say how much fun it was, but to me it was dreadful. I considered just not coming back to work. Not calling in or speaking to anyone, just not going back. :(

Scottish lass
01-08-15, 23:38
I really feel for you :(
So, why do you get yourself in a state - what is it that worries you?
Don't feel silly, we are all on this site for reasons such as yours.
I have the runs a lot - I asked my doc the other day and he said deffo anxiety (even tho I dont feel anxious as such) and prescribed me some fybogel!! It is no good forcing yourself to be sick - you need to find a way of calming yourself down and maybe use anti-sickness meds x

That's the thing I've got no idea used to always get sick when going on an aeroplane but that was because they terrify me not even the flying the planes. I was ten when the flight came down in Lockerbie and I think that stems that omg a plane could drop on our heads at any minute. The logical part of my brain tells me that's like highly unlikely to ever happen. The fear part of my brain yells at him though going not impossible it could happen (no I don't hear voices). I think the sickness thing is partly due to when I'm over tired I tend to vomit have done since I was a tot. One time on long long 9 hour bus journey where the coach air conditioning wasn't working and bus was very hot I was sick and once on a boat in really bad weather I was sick so I kind of fixate on it to point it makes me anxious I then start to feel nauseated and then it goes downhill. But I've been known to be in places enjoying a meal and halfway through I panic that if I eat anymore I be sick. It just happens all of a sudden I'm not even really thinking about it. However I managed to go to Manchester in April for five days and was a little anxious at times but managed to keep it under control. Also went to blackpool and was fine. I'm taking my nephew with me just him and me and he has learning disabilities and autism. I'm thinking that im over anxious this time as if I'm ill he won't be able to go out on his own so making myself ill thinking about it.:blush: I think next time we need to take his sister or one of my friends lol. Oh and anti sickness tablets make it worse lol

02-08-15, 09:03
Oh no lol. Sounds like you're always subconsciously thinking about being sick. Cognitive behaviour therapy will be able to help you with that I would think. I have panic attacks (I think - still not convinced hahahaha) and I find if I have a bottle of water with me at all times that I can sip (my throat feels like it is closing) then I manage to battle through it better than I possibly would without. Maybe you could try that and focusing on the water and telling yourself that it will make you better? Worth a try. x