View Full Version : Confused......

01-08-15, 18:29

Im on propanalol 10mg x2 , 3 times a day but wasnt working so Doctor prescribed me slow release 80mg tablets as well and said you can take your 10mg as and when??

Has anyone taken these together? I dont want to take to much as i take 60mg in one hit when im anxious.

I know i need to speak to doctor but its the weekend and im struggling.

Im also on prozac 40mg for depression.

01-08-15, 18:34
the best thing to do is to consult with your doctor as much as you can because you wouldn't want to harm

01-08-15, 18:38
maybe call helpline

01-08-15, 18:55
yeah you could try that as well, your health is very important

01-08-15, 19:08
I went round to my gf today as a surprise but she wasn't awake due to a late shift yesterday. She was angry and refused to kiss or cuddle.

She said I was hassling her and I said are we OK and she said no.

I had to go to work away for a cpl of days but she rang later in the day and we chatted for a bit , I said what about our holiday in sept and she said we shall see how we get on , so I said what about until then?

She said just carry on as we are ??!!??

Thing is she went out with her brother but lied , well didn't tell me about the others there or the different place she was!!!

She said if your not happy in a relationship we shouldn't be together which I agreed.

Thing is , is she's changing her story just to placate me until after holiday.

Dont know what to do.....anxiety is killing me

---------- Post added at 18:08 ---------- Previous post was at 18:04 ----------

She's at a house party tonight with an ex , invited me then didnt.

Anxiety is making me think all bad thoughts.... cant cope

01-08-15, 21:21
Hmm - have you asked her outright why she lied?

02-08-15, 06:58
yes...caused problem....

i guess i know why... i dont need it spelt out...

02-08-15, 09:40
Well, to be honest, if she is treating you like that then you don't need her in your life - it isn't doing you any favours for your anxiety is it.

02-08-15, 09:44
yes , yet she says future stuff ... why im confused...

massively pissed off and anxious and cant understand...

02-08-15, 10:31
It sounds to me like you don't need someone that plays mind games like that in your life