View Full Version : please any advice

Scottish lass
01-08-15, 20:00
I have not been diagnosed yet with anxiety disorder got appointment with doctor. I'm absolutely terrified of what she will think of me you know will she think I'm an attention seeker who is wasting her time, or a complete idiot or a hypercondriac. I've now been physically sick and had severe bout of the other worrying about tomorrow and going on holiday. I'm not sure how what to do for best could cry. My main problem is vomiting just about every time I go anywhere and generally feeling ill before and during holidays, nights out, parties and so on. I always did this before job interviews, tests and like but now it's ruining the good stuff as well I feel really bad for family and friends thanks for listening all

01-08-15, 20:05
I am sure your doctor will not think you are wasting their time. Anxiety is an illness that needs help and support just like any other illness. Hopefully your doctor will be able to refer you for therapy.

01-08-15, 20:49
Annie is SO right with her advice. Its OK... anxiety is very well recognised these days and has a crippling affect on peoples lives. Make the appointment be honest and get some help.


01-08-15, 20:58
Making that first step to see the GP is crucial to getting the right support for what is a debilitating and frustrating condition. No-one is going to think you are an attention-seeker-you just need and deserve help.

01-08-15, 21:14
Your doctor will have come across this many many timed before and know you aren't attention seeking. Don't worry - you are doing the right thing, but remember she/he is just a GP and mental issues are not their speciality - they will more than likely give you tablets to calm you and refer you for counselling/CBT to get to the root of the issue. If you ever want to chat then feel free to PM me x