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View Full Version : memory and reality

01-08-15, 22:02
Hey everyone i have been on here for past few months and was making good progress....

I have got PTSD, Depression, Anxeity, Dp, ADHD and slight form of autism! my therapist says i have derealization, I am only 24

Now we cleared the basic's up on what i have, i need too ask a question that only people who in same postion as me, I quit weed towards end of last year as i knew i was getting panic attacks etc after quiting i had worst depression quickly followed by anxiety ( brain tumors was the main one for me, i spent months feeling out of it sweating scared heart pounding disturbed sleep fatigue dizziness etc ) after months off diazepam, mirtazapine to try sedate me to stop the horrible feelings i wean off and made abit progress..... i do have anxious days everyday but no were near as bad! but i get surges that last all day were think stuff around me looks wrong nothing feels right..... now am playing with the thought that i might have dementia which been told i havent got .... but still am obessive over my memory i keep thinking am going forget something or that my memorys arent real! like i met my gf today she felt like a competele stranger even tho i know her name, how we met what we done while we been together it just feels like i dont know whats going on around me i feel emotionless and disconnected ....... i want to remember my while nights or days and i can remember them but it feel so fake asif am making it up in my imagination :( to make this worst i am ment to become a father soon and i cant feel any emotions...... i know am rambling on so if someone can tell me this is normal i might be able push it behide me ..... thank you for those who reply

01-08-15, 23:45
Relax, you're going to be fine.

I smoked weed for years without problems but was feeling anxiety symptoms towards the end. I haven't smoked it for years now.

Everything you are describing is just the anxiety. All the suggestions are the "what ifs" created by the anxiety. Ignore them. Your just numbed out, probably a bit emotionless and spaced out because of the anxiety in your system and the symptoms you feel. Treat it like a stone in your shoe and carry on until it subsides without giving it any scary meaning. Keep bringing yourself back down by remembering those fears and symptoms are just anxiety which will eventually lower. Those fears can keep it elevated because they scare the life out of you when you think about them.

Let all that side of your memory wither and weaken by thinking of new things now. It'll go away quicker if your minds focused on other stuff.

You'll feel emotions again. Anxiety numbs you that's all. They're still there.

Congratulations on the baby. Remember the good times you and your gf have had. It'll all sort itself out. Just give it time and give your mind heathy stuff to focus on.

01-08-15, 23:57
thanks mate legend excatly some of what i needed to hear! but i smoked weed 6 years all day everyday and when i stopped i went nuts ..... its werid as i try focus and my mind shuts me out more and then get werid sensations which am guessing the hypersensative from anxiety ?

02-08-15, 08:44
Yeh weed makes you hyper aware of yourself which is why it's not particularly helpful for people with any mental health issues. If you have a small awareness over something weed will make it a very large awareness.
So if you have a small insecurity or worry it can make you even more aware of it.

I smoked weed for longer than 6 years. I'm over it because I've just taught myself to not think about it anymore. I can remember the anxiety I felt and lots of other things but I just don't anymore. The less you use that part of your thinking/brain the more it withers and weakens and you start to use other thought pathways which cause you to feel differently. Try your best to get on with your life and trigger all your normal reward systems like laughter, reaching goals, feeling productive, exercise, rewarding relationships. Remove real life worries you have. Try not to make it all about your anxiety worries. It's like a trap, a cycle, you just keep feeding. It just keeps that anxious default alive when you want to move away from it.

You're bound to be suffering all sorts of symptoms because of the effect of the anxiety on your body and brain. Eg brain fog can be a bugger and stops you thinking and focusing. I had it for years but with changes to diet and removing some huge worries that hung over me every day for years, it went. Things like feeling off balance went too.

Try a five min burst of exercise each day to clear out your blood stream of stress hormones and crap.
Remove refined sugar, alcohol and carbs from your diet. I ate that stuff for a long time. I think sugar is bad for anxiety. Just clean your diet up and get good nutrition. I take high strength fish oil which is supposed to clean up your blood stream and lower inflammation in your body.
Don't be deficient in anything. Your overall mood and thinking can benefit when your nutrition is good and your diet is clean.

Find other stuff to focus on, read, learn, work, enjoy your gf, baby, make cool plans for the future. Just don't be trapped thinking about anxiety. Give it a chance to weaken and give your symptoms a chance to lower.

Your neurochenistry might be a bit out of balance but your brain has a tendency to sort itself out if you give it a chance. Give it normality. Take away the things you're giving it to stress over every day.

02-08-15, 10:24
cheers again, the dietary is shocking at the moment :') as all i do look forward to is my food ( how sad ), i do take fish oil tho and i did notice a change few weeks after, i do go out everyday walking or bike ride my brain fog cleaned up alot compared to the way it was .....it just thinking of what i did yesturday it feels unreal or a massive blur my sleep pattern good tho went at 12 only just woke up, i try and organise my life some more but working is impossible for me i end up panicking