View Full Version : How am i going to beat this?

Calvin Harris
02-08-15, 03:09
I have been stuck in the loop of anxiety for 1.5years after suffering dizzyness nonstop for 3 months trying to figure out whats wrong with me.
This passed and I have been plaqued with symtoms of anxiety ever since
I rarely worry anymore about my symtoms anymore but easily frustrated.
i want to start improving and nothing changes(its so ingraved in my brain it thinks its normal)
I like lots of others have forgotten what normal feels like and desperatly want to return to a state of cool calm collected.

My question is how do i return my basine level of anxiety back to 0
Its stuck in high gear and even when im at my calmest my body is in survival mode.(tension/muscle twitches, dripping sweat hands and feet, pounding heart when trying to sleep, and just no enjoyment in anything because i feel so worn out edgy and sore.
Sleeps fine but strugle to sit still and relax

Theres obviously many more but these are more my everyday symtoms no matter how i am feeling.
Replys would be much appreciated.

02-08-15, 09:12

I am going through something similar. I am about nine months into it. But I got into therapy five or so months ago and it really helped. I don't know where I would be without it.

Have you spoken to your GP about it. They can put you in a mental health care plan that is largely covered by Medicare and makes it more affordable.

02-08-15, 09:48
Hi Calvin, I'm going through similar as well. I'm seeing a psychiatrist and working on CBT as well. I've just had a mental health plan done up by my GP and I'm going to see a clinical psychologist. I'm also on medication which I still feel I haven't got right yet. I am having good weeks though. This break from the constant anxiety gives me the right frame of mind to work on myself and my thoughts. I want to break this cycle. The psychologist will give me the tools to do it. I'm sick of feeling like crap and not living my life to the fullest.

Calvin Harris
02-08-15, 11:12
Hey thanks for the replys well some more info on me.
I have had 10 sessions with a psychologist which i guess was good to shrink my problems but other than that the stuff i learned wasn't very practical other than say mindfulness.
I think you need to develop a complete attitude change and change in behavior to beat this new way of thinking.
easier said then done though ha.
As of late i have developed acute awareness to my triggers which is making it easier for me to understand this condition. I never knew until recently how sensitive the anxiety reaction is and how just one negative/scary thought or feeling can instantly make me flush or my palms sweat which is perpetrating the cycle.
Have you guys realized how sensitive you are to everything?
It might make it easier to understand why you have symptoms when you dont think you are anxious which was a big problem for me untill recently.

Hope this makes sense lol.

also i have lexapro but have held out for 6 months for some reason.
Fellow Aussies!

03-08-15, 07:20
Yes I am currently experiencing visceral hypersensitivity which basically means I am in tune to many more of the things my body is doing than most people are. It really sucks.

If you google western Australian Centre for clinical interventions health anxiety you will find some modules that explain how health anxiety works and give you some tools to break the cycle. They really helped me when I wasn't going so well.