View Full Version : Muscle Spasms

02-08-15, 05:02
Hello everyone,
I am a long sufferer of anxiety, panic, and depression and I can say I have felt most all of the symptoms I read about just now in this forum. Heart related concerns, shortness of breathe, dp/dr, dizziness, you name it.
I have come to terms to accept all of my symptoms except one, and that's what I need you guys' help with today.

I don't really know what to call this symptom but I'll call it a muscle spasm because that's the closest I can get to it with words. If I get really worked up, say been in the computer a long time, read for a long time, painted a picture for too long, I start to feel my muscles all tense and like they are about to twitch or spasm. It's almost like I voluntarily flex my muscles (and this happens all over the body) yet not so voluntarily that I can stop it. I was reading for my university class earlier today and started feeling this sensation. It took about 2 hours to relax myself and stop this muscle spasms.

Anyone experience anything similar?

Here's a little about me:
I am 24 years old, female, 5'2, 100lbs
heart's been checked and it's fine, blood test fine, and I've got
an appointment with a pulmonologist end of august.

Thanks :)