View Full Version : please help

05-02-07, 09:51
arrrrrrgh...been off work for 5 months...an d increased my meds etc felt i was on the road to recovery...now the morning anxiety has come back again..I just dont know why...
i tell my self im lucky great hubby etc....
Therapy ive had for the last 5 months i thought was helping...tried all the tasks of managing my anxiety, but it doesnt seem to work.
Now im owrried i wont be able to get to work next month. I mean I knew id be anxious returning, but now its back again how am i going to be able to ..
i thought I was in control, Im just at a loss. There is no reason for the anxiety to start again. My therapist says to write down my thoughts, but I cant pin point them, do others have this problem???
Am I going to be stuck on meds for another 10 years ending up some batty old lady with lots of cats shuffling round???
Sorry but feeling crap and defeated as was doing really well. I know we all have setbacks but it just seems that ill never get rid of this. Ive tried claire weeks etc ....just very low at the mo

05-02-07, 09:59
Hi mooks. I'm sorry you're not feeling so good. I'm afraid I don't have any answers for you but I can tell you you're not lone.

Please try not to worry about returning to work. You might be feeling better by then, and if not, it's not the end of the world if you have to stay off work longer. Try not to put pressure on yourself.

I'm afraid anxiety does not always happen for a reason. Sometimes I am anxious but I have no idea why. When this happens I keep myself busy and try not to dwell on it too much.

The only real advice I can give to you is take each day as it comes and don't expect too much of yourself.

I hope you feel better soon. :)

Love and hugs, shoegal xxx

05-02-07, 10:42
Hi Mooks, just look on this as a setback. You won't always be like this. the main thing is not to panic when you go downhill a little; things will get better.


Granny Primark
05-02-07, 13:02
Hi mooks,

So sorry your feeling down.
I agree with jo, this is just a minor setback.
If its any consolation the same thing happend to me a few weeks ago. I was gutted, id gone a few months without a major panic attack then i had one and for no reason.
Please dont question why the anxiety has returned it will just make you feel worse.
Im sure things will get better for you.

Take care

05-02-07, 13:40
**********BIG HUG MOOKS********

Ellen XX

05-02-07, 20:31
thanks guys...imtrying so hard not to focus on the anxiety and why its returned...
its so hard...im taking max meds/cbt/therapy...claire weeks ..positive thinking ....and it creeps up and bites me on the ass....
then the dpression hits...and its like having to crawl out of the hole all over again

05-02-07, 22:47
Hey hun,

Each time you do this, you're gonna get stronger and have more reason to believe in yourself. (((Big Hugs))) to you and hang in there. You have a good life now, you said, and there's no reason to believe that's going to change.

Much love and luck to you, dear. <3

- jams

Don't let life get the best of you; instead, give life your best.

05-02-07, 23:03
Hi Mooks

Thinking about you. Like you already know it takes time and you will get through this you beat it once and you will do it again. We are all here to help you through this so you are not alone and you are with so many people who understand how you feel.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

05-02-07, 23:10
im so sorry to hear your not feeling to good but you hav got this far and although things feel bad at mo hopfully this will pass. i hav read claire weekes books, i keep it by my bed as im always worse at night. i have found keeping panic diary helps bit. i rite down on scale of 1 to 10 how bad panic is, many r 12s and 13s.i hav even rote that this is it im going to die i hav felt so bad.then when my next attack comes i read over what i had wrote before and at times this does help. especially if i describe were i have pains,or tight chest, or think im having heart attack. hope this help wee bit.


06-02-07, 06:49
Would you be able to have a staged return to work, don't know if that's possible where you work? eg just a couple of hours a day to start with, then half a day, and work up to full time over weeks/months. This might help.

06-02-07, 08:42
I agree with Cattttt. Your employer has a duty of care to ensure your return is managed in an appropriate manner. You won't have to go in firing on all cylinders the first day.
