View Full Version : WARNING POSSIBLE TRIGGER-Moving House Tomorrow..Am Terrified!!!!!

02-08-15, 15:19
Hi everyone,not posted in the forum for a long time..I'm meant to be moving house tomorrow and I am absolutely Terrified. Up until last Monday I was doing OK,but since then my life has been an absolute living nightmare...I knew it was too good to be true,thinking I had beaten my nerves,but again,here they are ripping me to shreds...I don't know why I am living this "life" anymore,, I'm so tired, I can't do this .....Wish I wasn't here

02-08-15, 16:00
Saraah, it is only natural that you are worried about moving house, it is a big step and one that can cause a LOT of stress.

Find something that you love, your favourite snack and drink maybe...the first evening in your new house break them open and enjoy!

use it as a new start..... make it so you leave your anxiety in the old house (hard I know) but basically say to yourself. "I am done with all of this stress, It stays behind while I move on!!"

Maybe write yourself an action plan about how you want to move forward, the little things like "painting my bedroom pink and making it my safe haven" to the big things like "joining a social club" .... ok they may not be your choice of things but write them down however small and ceoss them off when you have acheived things..... it may seem like a strange thing to do but looking at the list getting smaller is very rewarding

02-08-15, 21:22
Nobody with anxiety likes change. I'd say it's normal for you to be anxious just before. Things can often be better afterwards. That's happened so many times to me. Be confident and push through it and you're almost certainly going to be happy with yourself once it's all over.