View Full Version : Every time I get better, I crash down again!! :'(

02-08-15, 18:13
:weep:Hiyaguys, I haven't posted in a while because I was doing really well!
Ive started going out and socialising again which has been brill, I moved out of my parents house with my boyfriend which has been going great, after being told I was anorexic weight I've managed to get my eating up and I'm now an Avon lady so I have some kind of income to help with rent!!!

Thing is I'm starting to get more anxious again, mainly revolved around eating. I hate it. I suspect I have IBS and any gas pain or slightly not so solid bowel movements make me freak out and panic!!! After doing so well I don't understand why I'm getting worse again. It's driving me insane!!!! I'm meant to be going out with dean and all our friends tonight but now I'm gassy I'm scared to and I just don't know what to do :(

02-08-15, 18:55
Hi there
Yes, this seems to happen to quite a lot of people. If you don't get too afraid and think of it as nothing more than a blip then you can overcome it soon. And every time it happens you will take less and less time to overcome these blips.
A lot of people who have anxiety are diagnosed with IBS, I supose it's the nerves irritating the stomach. Do you take care of what you eat? There are certain foods that are more irritating.
You have done really well up to.now and you will be fine again!! Xx

02-08-15, 21:16
Well done for all those positive steps you've taken. That's great news.

I suffered with that years ago too. I never realised it was associated with anxiety until much later.

Yeh watch your diet. There must be safe foods. It went away in time with me. Might have been the removal of the real life stress situation that was causing it. For me a job I hated probably.

You're doing well. Work through your anxieties as you go. Find ways to calm yourself and find comfort in your new situation. I'm sure symptoms will naturally reduce.

Considering you've taken such huge leaps forward recently it's probably natural to have developed some temporary symptoms I reckon.

03-09-15, 01:10
Sorry for late reply but thankyou o much for your kind words